Sunday, December 16, 2007

Operation -Ring of Fire II - AAR

- Operation: Ring Of Fire II - Sunday January 13th 2008 -

We had a pretty good event on Sunday the 13th, We had 84 players in attendance and I believe we had 10 new players. Please send you pictures in small groupls to me when you get a chance 640x480 PPI each (no larger) Please submit your AAR when you have time. I wil get the pictures I took up this evening, so please email your to add to the collection!

M Smith
Mike 3
Mike Force One

Operation -Rambos Revenge - AAR images

We had a good showing of about 85 players! We had a record number of first time players attending the OP which is good to see. i can only imagine we will be buried at the beginning of the year after the holidays and player get their new gear. I didn't have much time to take pictures so there are only a few this month. Bring you cameras out to the game and help our image library grow!

Recondo Training January 6th 2008 CANCELED

- Recondo School Sunday January 6th - IS CANCELED DUE TO FLOODING ON OUR FIELD
Briefing at 8:00am sharp at location:
504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing, CA. 95039

Each phase $40. Woodland camo required.
Please bring plenty of food and water.all gear not necessary to start Recondo School.
You will need all required gear to graduate.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Real Deal

Hey guys and gals, I found a few images that some military enthusiast posted of their era uniforms (60s-70s). There were a few MF photos I thought everyone should see! These guys look tough as nails and then some. enjoy!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

December 9th Raffle Items

Airsoft Extreme has generously donated a Condor Multicam plate Carrier with a full load of pouches for the December 9th event.

thanks again!

Friday, November 23, 2007

OPERATION: - Rambo's Revenge-December 9th 2007

- Operation: RAMBOS REVENGE - Sunday DECEMBER 9th 2007 -

Briefing at 9:00am SHARP at location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing CA 95039


This game will challenge the best players to perform in the spirit of a "Green Beret," because even the newest players with the proper determination can prevail and win. Twelve way points, 12 teams lead each by Mike Force One members, real Green Berets and top players in the club. Members and guests are asked to wear woodland BDU'S, members with their Mike Force patches on left shoulder, and Recondo qualified ACU's with the Mike Force patch

Military BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms) Required. Uniforms are as follows:


We will have a 30 minute lunch break
the days event are complete at 3:30-4:00pm after raffle. All games are free to members, unless you do not wear prescribed uniforms. $10 fee will be required for all guests and non members. If you are not at the AO by 9:45am a $5 fee will be required to participate. Please respect our club and try not to arrive late to the game.


Recondo School - Phase 2 - December 2nd

- Recondo School Sunday December 2nd -

Briefing at 8:00am sharp at location:
504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing, CA. 95039

Each phase $40. Woodland camo required. Please bring plenty of food and water.all gear not necessary to start Recondo School. You will need all required gear to graduate.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

OPERATION: -Falcon Swoop- AAR

American Delta team member AAR:

click here to view video

The following is my account of what transpired based on what I experienced firsthand, and what I could reconstruct from radio communications.

FALCON SWOOP was an ops that will NOT soon fade from the memories of those who were there.

Despite intel to the contrary, the LZ was NOT hot, and the insertion went unchallenged. Looking down from our vintage point on top of the ridge, the valley seemed dark and forbidden. We all had the uneasy premonition that we were fighting our way into the maw of the beast.
Right from the start, the American forces had to negotiate the treacherous woodland terrains on approach to the terrorist compound at the valley floor. We had to “fight” the slopes of the ravine on our way down to where intel reported sightings of the objectives.

The American forces were organized into 2 Striker teams (Striker 1 and 2) and 1 Delta team (Delta). Striker 1 and 2 would move in and execute the blocking maneuver and create distractions, while Delta would infiltrate and acquire the objectives.

Without warning, contact was made with the Red Star forces (hereafter referred to as Reds). The Striker 1/2 engaged the enemy, and the staccato of weapon auto-fire shattered the stillness of the valley’s morning air. Valiantly, Striker 1/2 pushed forward and started to take casualties. Medic calls were echoing up and down the valley.

Seeing that the frontal assaults were met with heavy resistance, the Delta team lead decided to execute a flanking maneuver. We were to circle around the compound where the Reds holed up, and hit them from the other side. Striker 2 was pulled back to run interference for this flanking maneuver.

While Striker 1 was still viciously engaging the Reds, Striker 2 and Delta went up the other side of the valley slopes, fighting the terrain all the way, and made a wide looping trek over the top of the ridge.

This maneuver allowed the American teams to approach the compound from opposite sides. At this point, the Reds appeared to have taken their own share of casualties, as the fighting seemed to have reached a lull.

The American teams took this lull in the battle to wolf down some needed nourishment, and to regroup. With fresh mags and much needed fuel in the body, the American forces redistributed the teams and were prepared for a final effort.

We were quickly losing daylight and none of us relished the prospect of continuing this fight into the night, especially not in such treacherous terrain. With the objective within our grasp, we did NOT know if this golden opportunity will ever present itself again. Striker 1 and 2 made a concerted effort to hit the compound from multiple angles. Delta was moving up the middle while Striker 1 and 2 were hitting the compound from left and right sides respectively. Once more, vicious firefight broke out, but they were short lived.

Striker 2 ran into 2 enemy snipers and suffered casualties. Delta’s rear guard also took a fatal hit from these snipers and went down, leaving the team stunned, but seriously “aggravated”.
Despite casualties, Striker 2 wasted no time in flanking the snipers and prosecuted them with extreme prejudice. With the snipers out of commission, the Reds seemed to have run out of tricks, and their return fire was sporadic at best. Soon afterward, the American teams neutralized the last pockets of resistance from the compound with well-placed shots of their own.

The buildings were stormed and the American team secured one of the objectives: the radio operator with the bomb-chip in his chest. There was however, NO sign of Brian Fox.

With Brian Fox still unaccounted for, the Delta team leader was not comfortable with establishing a perimeter within the compound, and calling in the extraction choppers. Bringing in the birds while Brian Fox was still out there was asking for trouble. Instead, the American teams decided to and escort the prisoner to LZ Bravo for extraction.

Delta and the remainder of Striker 1 and 2 departed the compound with the gagged Radio operator shielded from all sides (it was understood that the Reds would be desperate enough to shoot their own radio man to detonate the bomb in his chest and the radio set). During our hasty retrograde for LZ Bravo, we also had to make sure the booby-trapped radio operator never got separated from his radio; 4-foot separation was all it took to set off the radio and ruin everyone’s day who were within the 20-foot radius. We double-timed up the valley slope, reached LZ Bravo, found it to be a fairly defensible position, and dug in. Looking down the slopes, we knew that any Reds coming after us would face a deadly up-hill battle.

It appeared that the protracted fighting earlier in the mission had put quite a dent in the Red star’s resources, since none of the Reds came after us.
Things were an anti-climax from there on out. The extraction was uneventful, and we survived to fight another day!

Unfortunately, the same could be said about Brian Fox. That terrorist cheated death and survived this engagement, but next time he turns up, he will not be as lucky…

RECONDO! Mission First! We are the hunters, they are the prey!

Friday, November 09, 2007

OPERATION: -NEW DAWN- AEX / Game Pod event

OPERATION: NEW DAWN presented by Airsoft Extreme and Game Pod at Camp Parks Military base in Dublin California, was a one day event for Northern california airsofters to participate in a very small Mil-Sim event on an active military base. The Mike Force Club had players on both Foxtrot and Echo companies for a total of 14 players. Thanks to all members for a fun day.

View AAR under Comments soon!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Operation Falcon's Swoop:

The North Korean Red Star trainer brokered a deal (even though he is close friends with Super Nova) and gave the location another camp in the Peoples Republic of Santa Cruz's Mountains. He also told us that each location has a encrypted satellite radio carried by a specialist; his specialist was killed in the raid that captured him and the radio was destroyed. The specialist has an explosive sensor chip embedded in his body and if the radio becomes separated from him more then 4 meters or he dies, they both explode!

1. Insert above the camp
2. Locate and capture the trainer - Major Brian Fox (Northern Republic Irish Army)
3. Locate, capture and not kill the Satellite Radio Specialist!
4. Hold them at the HQ cabin until extracted

Mike Force Recondo Teams 907 and 804 will lead a Rapid Reaction Force into the hidden valley known as the Brownie Camp
(if you were American at the last game we would like you to stay American to continue the story line)

Uniform US: Woodland

Red Star: Russian Tiger, Multicam or Woodland

Registration begins at 0900 hrs (9 am)
Briefing begins at 1000 hrs (10 am)
Read the rules - the POW rule will be in effect for this game!
Make sure your guns are in good working condition
Because this game is away from the parking area it is vital that you bring everything on you into the field!
Extra battery, bbs, your lunch, water and everything you need to sustain a heavy fight for two 1 1/2 hour with a 30 min. lunch break

Parking is limited so carpool: 1851 Nelson Rd Scotts Valley, Ca 95066

Recondo School: November 4th 2007

- Recondo School Sunday November 4th - Briefing at 8:00am sharp at location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing, CA. 95039

All Phases 1-3 are available every month. Each phase $40. Woodland camo required. Please bring plenty of food and water.all gear not necessary to start Recondo School. You will need all required gear to graduate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Operation: -Rat Trap II- Gallery

click on the image or here: Operation: -Rat Trap II to view the gallery! Everyone seemed to have a great event and there were intense battles the whole day.

M Smith
Mike 3
Mike Force One

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

NAM MAGAZINE: Operation: -BIOHAZARD -OCT 21 2007

Sorry folks. This one almost passed me by. The NAM is holding thier annual BIOHAZARD event which is a great OP that is unique and a good break from the typical airsoft events. check out the info here: OPERATION: BIOHAZARD I can't say enough of how much fun you will have. ZOMBIES ARE IN OUR MIDST!!

Tired of the same ol' Ops? Want a good excuse to dust off that old gas pistol that's just rotting in your holster? Maybe you're just a zombie freak looking for something that's truly unique and scary to do for Halloween or, say, April. "SURVIVAL HORROR" fans, take it to the next level, right here! Don't miss your chance to be a part of one of the most talked about events in the sport of airsoft! Don't worry about MilSim and tactics, you'll use it all!The infection is spreading fast and we've got you covered coast to coast...and beyond?!?!?!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Operation: Rat Trap II AAR

Sunday October 14th 8:00am Sharp OPERATION: - RAT TRAP II-


After setting up a secret training base in the PRSC area, the American dogs discovered the camp and deployed two platoons of troops to infiltrate, destroy and capture our leader. We sent scouts to assess the strength and intentions of the American troops. Red Star trainees quickly moved out and help the forces from gaining any significant ground while we were securing transportation to move our North Korean leader to a safe location. We inflicted many casualties on the enemy scum!

After a short lull in the fight it would appear the opposition force deployed another 2 platoons and cornered our crack troops in a woodland valley. though our troops fought valiantly we were unable to hold back the American soldiers and our leader was captured. Super Nova will not be please his training camp was destroyed and one of his top generals has been captured.

American Force Medic AAR:

After our briefing we our two platoons were inserted by Blackhawk helos. We initially moved too slow, and Red Star took the hill adjacent to our position. Our troop were hit with accurate sniper fire from the hill and by a flanking element down the road. My whole squad was pinned down by the sniper fire near a road, a soldier and myself were ordered to flank. There was intense fire coming from my 9 o'clock and to my 2 o'clock. Three squads were being ripped apart by the barrage of fire the enemy was putting our direction. It was a good day to be a Red Star sniper... but a better day to be an American medic unfortunately.

As we tried to push through we were held back, and decided to retrograde for supplies. After regrouping we renewed our assault in a different direction. We were drawing fire from a tree-line, serious at first but we eventually won the small skirmish. As we continued pushing our assault, we began receiving another intense attack and were were deployed as a flanking element to try and break the line. After hitting the red start pretty hard we decided to split the squad into two eight man fire-teams; One took the road and the other would take the bottom of the hill. With red start hitting us from our 6 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 3'oclock and 8 o'clock, I just took cover and patched up as many American soldiers as i could, but Red Star was too much and we pulled back once again to regroup for another assault.

Thinking that our mission was a failure however, it turned out while we had been fighting, we drew more Red Star troops to our position leaving a weak side in their defenses. Another squad captured the General, and we had completed our mission.

This was my first mission, and I am glad to be alive. May the fallen rest in peace... I will be prepared to save lives again in the months to come.

-American combat medic-

Sunday, September 30, 2007

FOR SALE: GR16 R5 with Hurricane Body 10 mags 1 hi-cap, scope and battery

G&G REV3 GR16R5 with Hurricane Metal body $500

G&G GR16R5 400 fps $475
Hurricane "Marine" Metal Body with Charge Handle Ejection port $185
Tight Bore Barrel $30
10 Mag mags 1 400 round magazine $100
Star grip $40
ACOG cross sight replica $100
9.6v 3300 mAh battery $55
$980 Invested. Yours For $500
This Marine SPR weapon is in pristine condition. Very well maintained and is waiting a new owner.


Operation - Rat Trap II- Location and Directions

Many of you are wondering when the directions will be posted. I should have all of the information by the 7th of October. Since this is on private property, we always withhold the information until the week before the operation to respect the privacy of the land owner. So do not worry, The direction will be sent soon!

If you have not signed up for the email notification list, please do so you can receive all the important club info and the driving directions to our fields.


M Smith
Mike 3
Mike Force One

Monday, September 24, 2007

Fire Team Workshop October 7th 2007

So you have your squad together and you want to polish your fire teams skills. Well your in luck! The Mike Force Tactical Airsoft Club and the OPFOR Stars are running a "Fire Team Workshop" in Arroyo Grande, California Sunday October 7th. You will listen learn and put your skills to the test! All skill levels are encouraged to attend a great day of airsoft fun.

Have you ever noticed your team not doing well or working together when the bbs start flying? Field your team as a well oiled machine! You will be taught strategies on winning the game as a team. Taught by a US Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Veteran, this work shop will help you put it all together! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY

The cost is $40 unless your part of a team then its only $30.

Meet at 444 Alder Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 no later than 0830. The workshop will commence at 0900 at will be a full day until 1600.

If anyone wants to come down on Saturday they can bring a tent and stay Doc Rogan's house for free.

The uniform can be of any type as long as it is military in appearance. The teams should try to match.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Sunday October 14th 8:00am Sharp OPERATION: - RAT TRAP II-

These are sick sadistic people, sending dead rats to our embassy with threats again...we have not seen these threats in a while. Super Nova must be confident enough in his revitalized army that he feels he can egg us into a fight. Well he is going to get one. Intel notes that a "Suitcase Bomb" has been missing form the Soviet arsenal for 2 months now.

We need to send in our Recondo strike forces along with the Marines to stop the Elite RS DMTNT elements in the "TWO PONDS" area. -sentcom out-

SITUATION: Red Star staging areas have been discovered in the mountains of the Peoples Socialist Republic of Santa Cruz near the "TWO PONDS" LZ. One of Red Stars top trainers Col. Kim Song Young is in charge of tranfering critical information or even a DIRTY BOMB to RS command elements.

Orders: Infiltrate and eliminate the RS forward operation units, Col. Young is a top capture priority! This must happen lighting fast to avoid contact with the Santa Cruz Peoples Army. Mike Force Recondo 907 will lead elements of the 1014 combat brigade for the assault. The brigade's transport helicopter's will drop you off north of the Santa Cruz boarder.

Uniform: Woodland BDU's for all guests, club members and Mike Force Recondo 907 Fire Team MEMBER'S OUT OF UNIFORM WILL BE CONSIDERED AS A GUEST AND WILL BE CHARGED THE $10 GUEST FEE
Recondo qualified members email for your US or Red Star assignment uniform Multicam
Guests and non-members review the rules - you will be tested and your guns chronoed!
Club members will be spot chronoed as well!. BRING YOUR FULL SEAL GOGGLES AND MOUTH-GUARDS IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. 400FPS with .25 BBs. Lets have fun! keep your shots center mass so we can all have a great day.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Operation -Valhalla- Gallery

Images form OPERATION: - VALHALLA - Here

Operation -Valhalla- AAR

American AAR:The American Special Op Team initially gained control of the missile and tried to exifil to the LZ however they were out numbered 5-1 and were eliminated within a matter of 10 minutes. The bravery they have shown will be remembered. All were awarded the bronze star with "V" for Valor. This is little consolation for their families. The Red Star faction gained control of the Missile for a short time, when American forces pushed through the defenses and regained control of "Thor's Hammer" This missile has classified information so secret only the President and other key "policy makers" know of its contents. The American strike force pushed north through the marsh lands and into the snake trail then rallied with the MF1 detachment that was waiting for them at the "Horseshoe". Thor's Hammer was then taken to the American LZ to await the extraction by Helo.
Red star seemed to be concentrating on an unknown force that seemed to be surrounded near the south mountain location, it wasn't until 12:00 hours that the RS faction started a light assault on the american LZ in hoped of regaining control of the missile. The MF1 team, Marines, and Recondo detachments set up a skirmish line to hold off the pending assault. It was not long before the full force of Red Star pushed on the LZ. We took massive casualties and only the support of low flying "little Birds" were we able to defend the missile. Most of the Americans were down to their side arms and knifes by the time our Chinooks made their way to the extraction point. RIP to the fallen, we lost a great deal of men...I hope this classified information was worth its price in blood.

Mike 3

Red Star AAR: awaiting dispatch...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Raffle Prizes From Airsoft Extreme for Sunday the 9th

We have a great grand prize courtesy of Airsoft Extreme and many other items such as T-shirts Hats etc... thanks again to our sponsor!

Marushin Mossberg 8mm:

8mm BB
Holds 50+ 8mm BB's - you get about 16 shots per load
Fires 3 8mm BB's at once!
Uses green gas
Full metal and ABS construction
Heavy weight, feels like the real thing!
Ghost rings sights
Shoots 300+ FPS with 0.34g BB's

This is one hell'uva weapon!

Congratulations Recondo Class 907

A special congratulations to the following new Recondo's:

Mike Force Recondo Team 907
Fire Team Leader Ben Ranches
Fire Team Squad Machine Gunner Peter Vannerus
Fire Team Flanker Andrew Durkee
Fire Team Designated Shooter Amanda Vannerus

A very special note: Amanda is the FIRST female to complete and graduate Recondo training. She has proven herself a worthy opponent in the field and a capable leader.

M Smith
Mike 3
Mike FOrce One

Monday, September 03, 2007

OPERATION: Downed Pilot Gallery

Operation: Downed Pilot Pre-deployment for the American Team
this last video is from from Ox-Jaw.

Safety Gear For Valhalla

As we did for the Night Op the the 2nd we will be Chronoing and checking for Full seal Goggles and Mouth guards for players under the age of 18. here were a few players that were missing the full seal goggles this OP. We discussed this in detail after the OP and expect that this will be corrected for the next OP. Remember that as you are responsible for your AEGs you are also responsible for your own safety gear. If you accidently forgot your goggles or mouth guard let us know so we can track some down before the OP starts! Do not waint until we are entering the field to confess that you forgot a part of your safety equipment.

Safety Glasses USA ( has Mil spec goggle for as little as $4.50 that work great! Moth guards are only a few dollars as well, so there will be no good excuse next game. look through the site and you can find a goggle that is full seal and inexpensive.

Mike 3
Mike Force One

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Sunday September 2nd 5:00pm Sharp OPERATION: "Downed Pilot"

The Night game got a late start due to some accidents on the highways leading to the event. The OP finally got started at 6:50 pm with the American team with 15 players and the RED Star Team with 18 players. The first mission objectives were to capture the injured pilots and rescue/capture the Green Beret members who survived the UH-60 crash. RED STAR team was given a 3 minute advantage due to a short safety delay in the game more on this at the end of this post.

Red Star AAR: The two squad detachment of the glorious Red Star army deployed to the Moss Land fields after reports that two American choppers had been shot down by our superior marksmanship. Suspecting American dogs in the area, the forces of our illustrious leader, Super Nova, moved cautiously through the dense vegetation towards the crash site. Our soldiers reached the crash site within the hour only to find it stripped of bodies, documents, or useful munitions.

A four man sweeper team was sent out in an attempt to locate the Americans. This proved unsuccessful, as the team was unable to locate the enemy or any sign of their whereabouts. With night fast approaching, our soldiers moved quickly back towards the insertion point. Along the way, while moving through the forest, three men deserted our great cause! The loyal Red Star soldiers were unaware that the three had deserted until after the foul animals attacked our men! In the darkness, cohesion was lost, and a firefight between the elements of our forces ensued. It is estimated that perhaps 10 of our brave men were killed by the treachery of the rogues.

In the last 1/2 hour before the Americans ran away with their tails between their legs, our forces managed to pull together, despite the actions of the traitors, and make a push towards the American position. Our forces inflicted massive casualties upon the enemy, and the only reason we were unable to stop the enemies' retreat was the actions of the traitors. Unfortunately, the traitors were all killed in their attack, but their bullet ridden corpses were buried in a unmarked mass grave. This will serve as a lesson for those who would defy the word of our great leaders. The American pigs may have won the battle, but for the glory of the Motherland, Red Star, and Super Nova, we will win the war!

Mike Force / American team AAR: The three squad element of the American team consisting of 2 Recondo Detachments and the MF1 Team swept across the Moss Land field to the strawberry field through the snake trail and headed south in search of the pilots. no contact with the enemy at this point. The mike Force element pushed south along with the the 907 Recondo class. the Recondo Detachment stumbled upon the Green Beret members and then found the injured or dead pilots. The recondo's put the injured on the stretchers and decided to exifil the same route in order to complete their mission in hopes of minimal enemy contact since 4 team members were stretcher bearers and could not fight.

MF1 pushed west and headed back to the LZ without contact from the Red Star team. This was a surprise as they had to be in the area. Possible ambush or other trap was probably in the works. MF1 pushed back to the LZ and Set security for the Recondo detachment with the injured Pilots.

The Redstar elements started to push our direction after a 1 hour lull and them unexpectedly started fighting each other. Mass casualties on both RS fire teams seemed to keep the fight going for at least 1.5 hours. We Americans can only assume their were some rogue elements that had agendas different then the red star leadership. Once the Red Star teams re-organized they started to push towards the American LZ. We took some casualties and fortunately the Helos came to extract the Fire teams from the Moss Land Area.

Missions Accomplished.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The US forces destroyed the last scrambler which located the rocket fuel and that also was destroyed soon after as the 3 POW'S were rescued. The surrounded Fire Team fought their way through enemy lines to link up with the Mike Force. Recondo team 812 captured the rocket and within a short time then the Red's took it back to the South Mountian after they slaughtered the Recondo team. After a prolonged and heavy fight for the rocket a small Mike Force Fire Team recaptured the rocket. At the writting of this report the rocket is still on the South Mountian with the Fire Team surrounded. The Mike Force is below the mountian fighting their way up to re-enforce the Fire Team. Send Re-enforcements! - This fight has become a living hell!

400 fps with .25 bbs
All weapons will be chronoed
Full seal goggles and mouth guard required if you are under the age of 18
These rules will be enforced

All ages welcome

Recondo School: September 2nd 2007

MIKE FORCE TACTICAL AIRSOFT CLUB PRESENTS: - Recondo School Sunday September 2nd -

Briefing at 8:00am sharp at location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing, CA. 95039

All Phases 1-3 are available every month. Each phase $40. Woodland camo required. Please bring plenty of food and water.all gear not necessary to start Recondo School. You will need all required gear to graduate.

There will be a night game following the Recondo classes so be ready to fight!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Operation: Thor's Hammer III AAR


The US forces destroyed the last scrambler which located the rocket fuel and that also was destroyed soon after as the 3 POW'S were rescued. The surrounded Fire Team fought their way through enemy lines to link up with the Mike Force. Recondo team 812 captured the rocket and within a short time then the Red's took it back to the South Mountian after they slaughtered the Recondo team. After a prolonged and heavy fight for the rocket a small Mike Force Fire Team recaptured the rocket. At the writting of this report the rocket is still on the South Mountian with the Fire Team surrounded. The Mike Force is below the mountian fighting their way up to re-enforce the Fire Team. Send Re-enforcements! - This fight has become a living hell!


We were missing about 12 regular players due to vactions and emergencies, however we still had a great turn out! 57 players were attending the OP. We should be able to get more raffle items if the attendance keeps improving so do your best to get to next months event. OPERATION: Valhalla September 9th.

Complaints: We had a few complaints that are being addressed. 2 players not calling hits. Please call your hits and make sure your AEGs are under the 400 fps with .25 BB. we had a complaint that will be verified or dismissed in September. If you are violating this and your gun is chronoed in September it will be confiscated for the day or you can choose to leave the field. Mouth Guards and full seal goggles will be required. We will have the staff to enforce this on the field in september so do not forget!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I will see everybody next month, updates to website will be late this month

Hello guys,

Sorry I was unable to attend the OP this month. Unfortunately my mother is having serious post Cancer surgery problems that developed on Friday evening. I have been at the hospital for most of the weekend. These types of things are difficult to deal with as many of you know, and they take priority over anything else.

Brandon Rutleg was the big winner of the Airsoft Extreme raffle. He will be sent the Glock 18 through the mail on my dime this week. Congratulations!

I'll try and update the site when I can, but please understand family first.

M Smith
Mike Force One

Thursday, August 02, 2007 One Year Gen3 site

Well, its hard to believe but the Gen III website has been up for a year. The Gallery and Blog have been up since March of this year. I am planning on some larger changes in the next 12 months on all of the pages, and I will get a video section up when I get enough useable content to create one. The Club has seen some great gains in the last year: Our best attendance was 82 players and our average is hanging around 55-60. Recondo Students have been up as well. There is always room for improvement, and in September, we will have a full squad of new players visiting the field for the first time who usually attend RHP events, and they will be a welcome addition to the OP.

We really need to promote the games in order to get the raffle prizes from AEX. we need to get into the 70s to get AEGs and GBB pistols so please recruit as many players you can! and keep the positive PR going.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Official Orders: Lets have Fun!

Every month I look forward to getting away from all of the stress and politics of my career and life issues. I am always looking forward to seeing my friends and colleagues at the Mike Force OPs every month. For some unknown reason it seems the tone of the club has gotten too serious for its own good, and we all need to take a deep breath and remember...we all just want to have a relaxing day out shooting our friends with plastic BBs! Many of us take our sport VERY seriously, and even though we are having fun, we need to remember its just a game and in the end we all have good days and bad days on the field.

Lets laugh a little more and really "Ham up" our hollywood deaths the 10 step death with your hands clenching the area hit, screams of agony and twitches when you are laying on the ground...the weakening call for a medic when wounded...Ahhh it makes me smile just thinking about "dying" the next time out. There is no shame is dying, or losing a game if you can smile and laugh. If you feel like swearing, try changing your words to "Flanders" style for example: "Darn-diddily-darnit!" or "Sun-diddily-gun" thank you Ned Flanders...

So in summation, it doesn't matter who is on what team, who didn't choose you for a teammate, and who smells worse than the other guy. Deep down inside we are all action junkies who feel glory and humiliation and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and laugh at your painted face you are truly making the day better for everyone around you!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Join The Club and get a 5% discount at AEX

Everyone that wants to join the club after attending THREE consecutive events can! This entitles you to a 5% discount at airsoft extreme, and if you attend 8+ games in months after joining the club you get the second years fees waived! thats $30 for 2 years of events plus 5% at all airsoft extreme stores!


Join the Mailing List!

Sign up for the email notification list on the website home page (sticky note) to be eligible to the raffle items when they become available. We need to break the 70+ mark to receive the big ticket items such as AEGs GBB pistols and more!


18 and Under: Mouthguard / Sealed Goggles Manditory as the MF Rules Require

In our sport we shoot 6mm plastic BBs at our friends. We expect some marks, but not broken teeth! Everyone under the age of 18 is required to wear their mouth-guards and full seal goggles as stated in the rules. If you seen without these on the field you will be removed from the field for the day and suspensions may be handed down. We are going to enforce these rules vigorously so get your safety gear together. If you want the respect of an adult, take responsibility for yourself and your gear! Everyone will hold up their mouth guard as they enter the field.

Systema PTW Concerns?..See below

A couple of players raised concerns about the two PTW weapons on the field. Questioning the FPS they are at. Both weapons only have the blue M110 spring cylinder set in them. They both Chronoed at 325 FPS with .28bbs (this is below 400 fps with a .20bb) please see the energy chart. Our players have never used the stock cylinder set at the Mike Force fields and have remained unchanged from Operation Lion Claws which has even stricter FPS rules.
Both players had thier gun chronoed in front of a third party unrealted to the MF club. Howitzer from the NAM magazine witnessed the Chrono. In the future we will tape or zip tie the receiver to make new members "feel" more comfortable even though many other AEGs on the field are upgraded to the club limits. Please do not hesitate to ask them about the AEGs and have them show you the blue m110 spring set before, during break, or after the OP.
I believe this is where the future of AEGs are headed, and the club members are willing to answer any of your concerns. The MF club is in the minority with this type of AEG, and other clubs have up to 30 per event, without a zip tie or signature tap rule in place. so feel free to ask questions, these player will let you examine them and ease any concerns you may have. Both player have also volunteered to bring the red cylinders to the OPS from home and place them in a secure box for everyone to see. This is above and beyond and requirement, and show how serious they are in showing that the AEGs are always in compliance with the FPS rules.

G36 For Sale from Peter V

Peter V would like to sell his G36. See info below. Contact Peter directly if you are interested at:

Classic Army G36C that has been upgraded to shoot 400 Fps. It comes with a large CA foregrip, G&P frontgrip, M4 magwell conversion, 1 Hi cap M4 magazine, original magwell with 2 standard g36 mags and 1 hi cap, Prometheus tight bore barrel, 9.6V 3600 nimh battery, new air nozzle, all upgrades where done by AEX. $400

Lost Items on field

Please keep an eye out for various lost items from the last OP. Folding, expandable metal bipod, I believe lost somewhere between the LZ and the hidden object (South Mountain). I also heard of a pistol and holster combo as well. Remember to label all of your gear, especially the things that can come loose. There is a lost and found a the field, and we were able to return many items such as a TM 1911, Glock 17, and 3 Mags. make sure your gear is secure before entering the field to avoid losing items, as you know the field has so many places things could slide under. DO NOT FORGET TO ASK AT THE END OF THE OP IF ANYONE FOUND YOUR GEAR

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Recondo Training: August 5th 2007 8:00am


Briefing at 8:00am sharp at location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing, CA. 95039

All Phases 1-3 are available every month. Each phase $40. Woodland camo required. Please bring plenty of food and water.all gear not necessary to start Recondo School. You will need all required gear to graduate.

Operation Thor's Hammer III Aug 12th 2007

Situation RED STAR:
WE have captured prisoners from the MIke Force detachment. Our orders are to prevent any strike force from recapturing them, and prevent the balance of the scramblers from falling into the Americans hands! All Personnel are ordered to attack without remorse!!

Red Star Communication over .

Mission orders:Mike Force Recondo Detachment 831 A, B and C lead an assault force into the swamp and destroy the scrambler or scramblers to finish the operation that was not finished from the last strike mission! And Rescue the Prisoners!!
Logistics:Take bundles of C4 to destroy the scramblers and if possible what they are hiding. Rescue POWs and eliminate Red Star forces in the area
All Recondo Detachments will wear woodland BDUs on this op. Insert via SOAR 46 Black Hawks.
When the operation is completed call SOAR 46 for pick up at a designated LZ to complete the mission
8 to 930 am - Airsoft flea market and sign in 9:45 am - Operational briefing Guests and non-members review the rules - you will be tested and your guns chronoed! club members will be chronoed as well!. if you are under the age of 18 FULL SEAL GOGGLES AND MOUTH-GUARDS ARE REQUIRED. YOU CAN NOT ENTER THE FIELD UNTIL THESE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. YOU WILL NOT ENTER THE FIELD UNLESS YOU HAVE SIGNED A WAIVER.

Operation: -OX JAW- image and video gallery

Ox Jaw Gallery I will have the videos uploaded soon, and music added when I can.


Operation - OX JAW - July 8th AAR

Red Star has united with the Moss Land Swamp Devils - a new terror organization on which more intel will need to be gathered. It looks like they are well funded and have hired Red Star to train them in gorilla warfare. Because of the thick jungle and their scramblers our satellites are unable to pick up the activity in that area. We got the location of one of the scramblers before it went on line and blurred out the area. They are up to something and we need to find out fast.

MF American Detachment AAR

The Mike Force was inserted by Black Hawk at an LZ above the northern edge of Moss Land's swamp. A heavy enemy presence was spotted immediately after landing. It was unclear if the build-up along the tree line to west was Red Star or their Red Devil adversaries. On closer observation something that appeared to be Scrambler 1 was spotted between the swamp area and tree line. Romeo One consulted with the three squad leaders for their input on the task at hand. The first two squads didn't have any suggestions. The leader of third squad wanted to perform a flanking maneuver along the right side and attack the tree line from the south. Romeo One ordered the first two squads into a line formation which extended from the fence to the scrub brush. The first and second squads were instructed to complete a bounding overwatch through the swamp area to the edge of the tree line. The third squad was granted permission to perform their flanking maneuver as requested. Recondo Team Charlie Echo Six was given the responsibility to recon the area from north to south in search of the other two Scramblers and unknown device.
All Mike Force elements "moved out" to complete their assignments. As soon as first squad reached the swamp, they became bunched up along the fence line. The second squad continued through the swamp without the protection of a bounding overwatch. The third squad made their sweep along the right flank and was never heard from again. Fighting commenced and first squad took heavy casualties on a trail along the fence line. The second squad stopped their forward momentum as soon as fighting broke out. Romeo One issued the order to break contact and retrograde in order to regroup and reorganize. This order was ignored. A short time later Romeo One linked up with several troops returning from the re-enforcement point. This small element of highly motivated soldiers began an assault along the edge of a tree line facing east. The point man and medic were both eliminated at a bend in the trail. Romeo One was alone and intent on finding the source of noise inside the tree line and the enemy soldier that killed his teammates. Romeo One was shot by a Red Star operative sneaking up from the rear.
Romeo One was reinserted at the original LZ and attempted to rally the troops. After several demands for cooperation the troops were mobilized for another online assault on the tree line through the swamp. During this assault the soldiers of Mike Force were constantly encouraged to keep moving. As soon as the Mike Force received fire from the tree line the forward advance again came to a halt. The squad leaders began expressing frustration at the futile attempts to reach the tree line. Romeo One issued another order to attack and was shot along with his guard because no one advanced. Dissension in the ranks began to occur over the failed assaults, and the plans of attack were criticized. Romeo One met with the squad leaders but they couldn't offer any suggestions for a new plan of attack.
There was a 30 minute break in the action to allow for food, water, and a resupply of ammunition. During this break in action, Romeo One was approached by a Mike Force sympathizer. This individual suggested an all out attack on the northern most end of the tree line occupied by Red Star. This tactic showed promise since Mike Force would have friendly territory to their rear and flanks. In order for this tactic to work, the Mike Force would need to make a fast push forward with all soldiers at once. The theory was to overwhelm the enemies right flank and penetrate the woods which would provide much needed cover and demoralize the enemy.
The Mike Force was reinserted by Black Hawk again at the same LZ as earlier. The squad leaders weren't happy with this plan and their lack of interest filtered down to the troops. The plan was put into action and the mass of soldiers began an assault along the fence line toward the cluster of trees. The Mike Force caught automatic weapons fire when in range of the tree line. The entire Mike Force stopped in their tracks and became bogged down along the fence. Red Star began coming out of the tree line to attack the Mike Force soldiers along the fence. This caused the Mike Force to scatter and the squads to become fragmented. The squad leaders suggested giving up the mission and extracting to the LZ an hour early. Charlie Echo Six reported that they had successfully completed the recon of all zones and were extracted from the LZ. Charlie Echo Six provided Romeo One with the location of two more Scramblers and a "rocket". Charlie Echo Six was requested to assist the Mike Force in completing the mission to destroy the Scramblers. Charlie Echo Six had heard about the intense fighting and heavy casualties coming from the Mike Force location. This caused hesitation on their part and a delay in assisting the Mike Force. While Romeo One was conversing with Charlie Echo Six a large number of Mike Force soldiers left the area en route to the LZ.
It was time for a new plan. Romeo One established new squads out of the remaining soldiers and issued the following assignments. One squad was to find a safe and secure area to lay dog. This squad was to approach and destroy Scrambler 1 when the Red Star enemy left their positions to overtake the extraction point. The other squad was to select an appropriate site to ambush the enemy when they left Scrambler 1 on their way to the Mike Force extraction point. The remaining squad was spread out along the swamp and provided fire into the tree line buying time until the scheduled extraction.
It came time to extract and the order was broadcast to all squads. The Mike Force broke contact and headed for the extraction zone. The squad left to lay dog was able to destroy Scrambler 1 as well as locate and destroy Scrambler 2. The other squad was never able to ambush the advancing Red Star soldiers. The remaining Mike Force soldiers reached the extraction LZ to find it occupied by Red Star. The Mike Force fought for the LZ but continually took heavy losses causing three soldiers to be captured. Romeo One reported this to the Special Operations Command and requested immediate assistance at the extraction zone...

CPT Terrence "Doc" Rogan.

Friday, June 29, 2007

NAM Magazine Issue #14

Do not forget to pick up the latest NAM magazine at Airsoft Extreme and get the latest info on up-coming gear, In-Depth equipment reviews, Tech tips and much much more! this is a great magazine for quality information about our sport. help support the Airsoft community and pick your copy up today.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Airsoft Extreme July 4th blowout!

AEX Independence Day SUPER CLEARANCE SALE! From 6/27/07 thru 7/15/07. Sale limited to stock on hand. In-Store Sale Price $10 higher.

GR16A2 Rifle Reg Price $345 Sale Price $285
GR16R4 Carbine Reg Price $472 Sale Price $375
GR16R4 Fixed Stock Reg Price $472 Sale Price $375
GR16R5 Rifle Reg Price $485 Sale Price $385
GR25 SASS Reg Price $525 Sale Price $425
GR300 Compact Reg Price $445 Sale Price $385
L85A1 Reg Price $375 Sale Price $325
M14 Black Reg Price $472 Sale Price $375
M14 Imitation Wood Reg Price $472 Sale Price $375
M14 Real Wood Reg Price $575 Sale Price $475
RK104 Reg Price $360 Sale Price $310
Socom16 Reg Price $472 Sale Price $395
UMG Reg Price $280 Sale Price $255

Star FNC Shorty Reg Price $585 Sale Price $495
Star L85A2 Carbine Reg Price $600 Sale Price $500
Star L85A2 Light Support Weapon Reg Price $760 Sale Price $675

VFC AKS74UN DX (steel and real wood) Reg Price $445 Sale Price $385

Inokatsu Galil (LAST ONE!) Reg Price $1250 Sale Price $1125

G&P Custom AEX 9mm SMG (Fixed Carry Handle) Reg Price $385 Sale Price $305
G&P Custom AEX 9mm SMG (Flat top Receiver) Reg Price $385 Sale Price $345
G&P 9mm SMG 90rd midcap magazine Reg Price $22 Sale Price $15

Marushin 8mm TRP Reg Price $195 Sale Price $110
Marushin 8mm Super Enforcer Blk Reg Price $285 Sale Price $175
Marushin 8mm Operator Reg Price $165 Sale Price $100
Marushin 8mm .44 Automag Gas Blowback Blk Reg Price $150 Sale Price $135
Marushin 8mm .44 Automag Gas Blowback Slvr Reg Price $185 Sale Price $150
Marushin 8mm M2 Carbine Reg Price $350 Sale Price $300
Marushin 8mm Tanker Garand Rifle Reg Price $400 Sale Price $365

Tanio Koba VP70 (Collectible Item!) Reg Price $245 Sale Price $200

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I am hosting a night game on July 4th here in Arroyo Grande. I will be offering a BBQ that afternoon for anyone that wants to come early and make a day of it. Family members are welcome to join you. If there is enough interest, we could plan something for the wives to do during our night time mission. The woods take on an eerie atmosphere at night. You can hear the commercial fireworks from Pismo Beach and the illegal fireworks all night long from the dunes. The booms and flashes from the fireworks provide a nice backdrop for an exciting game of Airsoft. RSVP as soon as possible please.

Thanks, Doc Rogan.


The OPFOR STARS have remained in control of the Zenon Wilderness since Operation Silent Star. The OPFOR STARS have intercepted intelligence information from Zekistan which suggests a July 4th assault is likely. The information received was vague and not very specific. It's believed there will be an amphibious beach landing to the west of the Zenon Wilderness. Zekistan doesn't have a strong enough Air Force to weaken the fortified OPFOR STAR positions. As a result, the newly elected Zeki president has called on the United States for their assistance and expertise. The United States has agreed to help Zekistan for democratic reasons. Details of the United States involvement is top secret. The only information that could be deciphered was that an elite Special Forces unit would be operating under the cover of darkness.

U.S. Forces

Insert a Special Forces unit into the Zenon Wilderness before dark. This unit is to recon the area and gain intelligence before the nighttime assault. The objective of the U.S. Forces is to weaken the OPFOR STARS making the Zeki advance from the beach easier.


Defend the Zenon Wilderness stronghold at all costs. The Zeki sand gnats can have the beach, but they won't be able to take the woods.

Friday, June 15, 2007

OPERATION:- Bowie Knife - photo gallery

Thanks Rob for taking so many great pictures of the May 20th Event. I will try and find some music to add ASAP. Click on the image or HERE to view the photos. I encourage everyone to take a snap shot or two at each event. Everyone enjoys the gallery, so please contribute to the club!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

NAM Magazine :: Codename - Solitaire Jun 10th AAR

Thank you NAM for running another excellent OP this weekend. We will be posting some images and short AAR for the OP. Congratulation Brian Ellingworth for FINALLY getting your very own AEG...even though you are going to have to pump iron to carry the M60 around the field! Thanks again to all who attended, your contribution will really make a difference to the children of our fallen heroes.
NAM provided some very nice props for the event including large warhead case with optional warhead, money case with $1 million in funny money!
Staff had a very professional booth with full chrono of all weapons including pistols
Contractor group awaits time after swaping the warhead for cash at the "South Mountain" LZ
Please send you AAR to me as soon as you can

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Images From OPERATION: Lion Claws VI

Hello Everyone. Mike Force just got back from Lion Claws VI. It was interesting this year, and I will type an AAR this weekend and also update the rest of our website. I have missed some work and need a bit of time to catch up on things. I will post the photos in the "Gallery" section of the website. you can click on the image above to view the gallery or click here to view the gallery. Music will be added soon.

Our XO Rob Rowland had some nice things to say " I also want to extend a heart felt "Hooah' to the squad leaders Vincent, Matt, Arvin and again Jason for pulling the weight when others would have failed. Also, a salute to our brothers from Mike Force and Aces and Eights. Thank you, your professionalism, intestinal fortitude and dedication which was the foundation of our success."

Rob Rowland
Former Army Ranger
Panama and Somalia Vet


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Sunday May 27th 5:00pm Sharp OPERATION: NIGHT FLYER

At 1830 hrs Mike Force Recondo Det (which included 3 Recondo candidates) parachuted into the west end of the Moss Land Swamp. The Det commander radioed the White Force leader for an exchange of information and met without incident. The area was controlled by Red Rebels and The White Force which are mortal enemies. Unfortunately a Red Star assassination team was in the area. Next the Recondo Det linked up with the Red Rebels and exchanged valuable information. As the Recondo Det was leaving the Red Rebel area they ran into Red Star. Red Star fired first causing the Recondo Pointman to be shot out. The Special Forces advisor call for a right flank taking out one of the Red Star's after a heavy exchange of fire. The team medic was able to revive the pointman as the White Force came to assist from Red Star's rear. The point guard and medic eliminated the remaining Red Star operator. As darkness set in the Red Rebels ambushed the White Force and continued to battle back and forth for the rest of the night. The Recondo Det was able to exfiltrate via fast boat at 2200 hrs.

Mission successful
3 Recondo's graduated