Sunday October 14th 8:00am Sharp OPERATION: - RAT TRAP II-
After setting up a secret training base in the PRSC area, the American dogs discovered the camp and deployed two platoons of troops to infiltrate, destroy and capture our leader. We sent scouts to assess the strength and intentions of the American troops. Red Star trainees quickly moved out and help the forces from gaining any significant ground while we were securing transportation to move our North Korean leader to a safe location. We inflicted many casualties on the enemy scum!
After a short lull in the fight it would appear the opposition force deployed another 2 platoons and cornered our crack troops in a woodland valley. though our troops fought valiantly we were unable to hold back the American soldiers and our leader was captured. Super Nova will not be please his training camp was destroyed and one of his top generals has been captured.
American Force Medic AAR:
After our briefing we our two platoons were inserted by Blackhawk helos. We initially moved too slow, and Red Star took the hill adjacent to our position. Our troop were hit with accurate sniper fire from the hill and by a flanking element down the road. My whole squad was pinned down by the sniper fire near a road, a soldier and myself were ordered to flank. There was intense fire coming from my 9 o'clock and to my 2 o'clock. Three squads were being ripped apart by the barrage of fire the enemy was putting our direction. It was a good day to be a Red Star sniper... but a better day to be an American medic unfortunately.
As we tried to push through we were held back, and decided to retrograde for supplies. After regrouping we renewed our assault in a different direction. We were drawing fire from a tree-line, serious at first but we eventually won the small skirmish. As we continued pushing our assault, we began receiving another intense attack and were were deployed as a flanking element to try and break the line. After hitting the red start pretty hard we decided to split the squad into two eight man fire-teams; One took the road and the other would take the bottom of the hill. With red start hitting us from our 6 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 3'oclock and 8 o'clock, I just took cover and patched up as many American soldiers as i could, but Red Star was too much and we pulled back once again to regroup for another assault.
Thinking that our mission was a failure however, it turned out while we had been fighting, we drew more Red Star troops to our position leaving a weak side in their defenses. Another squad captured the General, and we had completed our mission.
This was my first mission, and I am glad to be alive. May the fallen rest in peace... I will be prepared to save lives again in the months to come.
-American combat medic-
Thanks Mike Force for putting on this game at another field besides Moss Landing. This was an awesome place that hand numerous places for cover.
I was with Red Star today and we lost, but i don't care. We had a great time and want to say that the game was organized and was just fantastic.
It's good to see the chrono out there because I always want to see how hard my gun is firing and this is a great way to find that out.
The processing procedure is great and makes sure everyone is on the same page.
Thanks again and we're looking forward to going to the next game.
i was a medic for RED STAR (hell yeah!!!) on this game and i had to move around a lot too. it seems like both sides took a lot of hits.
i have a question about being a medic. this was my first time being a medic and i want to know from anyone on Mike Force what it takes to become a medic. what i mean is, that what should i carry out on the field to be a proper medic? do i carry first-aid stuff like bandages or extra water? how about guns? what kind of gun is good if you're a medic. i carried an M16 that day and i thought it was kinda too much too lug around. should i get something smaller? i'm gonna get a backup gun because i noticed a lot of guys had more than one gun but this one'll be so i can play medic more effecitvely.
Being a medic at a MF game is usually a random choice that is selected by the registration sheet. If you have interests in being a medic at each game you can request the slot at time of registration and I will put you in that slot.
All you need is some bravery and your red rag. there are no other tools or bandages needed. We find this to be a good thing for the reason that that it will help avoid any possibility of trash being left on the field by mistake.
As far a weapons go, you need to feel comfortable with your choice. I personally like long guns such as M16 A4. If you felt your weapon made it difficult to complete your medic tasks and your in the market for a BU weapon. Choose something that you will be happy with in the long term. Check out the NAM magazine for the reviews on specific weapons and you will get a good idea of a starting point.
M Smith
Mike 3
Mike Force One
This was my first mikeforce game and i loved it! i was a medic for the american team and we got many men down so i was able to help many people in the game. i felt the game was very fell managed and i will be sure to return.
Edwin's question got me to thinking about Airsoft Medic duties. I think it might be a good idea to have a few "medic kits" available for the designated medics to carry. There were two instances when I was asked for first aid supplies during the operation. It doesn't need to be combersome or weight a lot. In real combat situations the medic carries his equipment plus another 50 lb aid bag. Combat medics usually carry and M16 or M4. Anything bigger than that (M60 or SAW) is considered an offensive weapon and not allowed by the Geneva Convention. Does anyone else think a basic first aid kit carried by medics is a good idea?
Cpt. "Doc" Rogan
Recondo Detachment 805
The comrades of Col. Kim Junk Ill defended the base camp gallantly in spite of aggressive assault from American Special Forces. As a result of the comrades’ skillful evasive tactics, the Americans failed to track down the Colonel in the first half of the operation. The Americans continue to aggressively attack the base camp, during the second half of the operation. At about 10 minutes before the end of the operation, the American Forces were closed to overrunning the base camp, and Col. Kim had to go into hiding. It was unfortunate that Col. Kim was eventually surrounded by American Special Force operators and captured during the last 5 minutes of the operation.
A diary from Col. Kim himself
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