Operation Falcon's Swoop:
The North Korean Red Star trainer brokered a deal (even though he is close friends with Super Nova) and gave the location another camp in the Peoples Republic of Santa Cruz's Mountains. He also told us that each location has a encrypted satellite radio carried by a specialist; his specialist was killed in the raid that captured him and the radio was destroyed. The specialist has an explosive sensor chip embedded in his body and if the radio becomes separated from him more then 4 meters or he dies, they both explode!
1. Insert above the camp
2. Locate and capture the trainer - Major Brian Fox (Northern Republic Irish Army)
3. Locate, capture and not kill the Satellite Radio Specialist!
4. Hold them at the HQ cabin until extracted
Mike Force Recondo Teams 907 and 804 will lead a Rapid Reaction Force into the hidden valley known as the Brownie Camp
(if you were American at the last game we would like you to stay American to continue the story line)
Uniform US: Woodland
Red Star: Russian Tiger, Multicam or Woodland
Registration begins at 0900 hrs (9 am)
Briefing begins at 1000 hrs (10 am)
Read the rules - the POW rule will be in effect for this game!
Make sure your guns are in good working condition
Because this game is away from the parking area it is vital that you bring everything on you into the field!
Extra battery, bbs, your lunch, water and everything you need to sustain a heavy fight for two 1 1/2 hour with a 30 min. lunch break
Parking is limited so carpool: 1851 Nelson Rd Scotts Valley, Ca 95066
1 comment:
We expect the usual 65-90 players for this event. This is not the same field as the Rat Trap II event, however it is in the same area, just a bit closer to town. The AO is in a valley, and is populated with a redwood forest with some small buildings at the base. You need to bring everything with you to the valley floor. Make sure you can take it in a SMALL back pack as you will need both hands to climb out of the valley at the end of the day!
M Smith
Mike 3
Mike FOrce One
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