We had a good showing of about 85 players! We had a record number of first time players attending the OP which is good to see. i can only imagine we will be buried at the beginning of the year after the holidays and player get their new gear. I didn't have much time to take pictures so there are only a few this month. Bring you cameras out to the game and help our image library grow!
that game was really fun lots of action on trying to reach the flags cant wate for the jan game
Rambo’s Revenge - Team 5 Fire Team Lead AAR
There were some of us, myself included, who came to the Rambo’s Revenge op with the preconceived notion that it was going to be a slug-fest. Well, we were in for quite a surprise!
The mission was designed in such a way that forced participants from all levels to give the best they got! Team leaders definitely got a chance to employ the many concepts taught at Recondo School. First and foremost, team leaders were challenged to adhere to the fundamental Recondo concept pounded into them from day 1: MISSION FIRST. The primary objective was to get the team to each of the 12 waypoints on the map (handed out at mission briefing) and record a letter or code for that waypoint on the back of the map. Upon completion of all 12 waypoints, the back of the map will have the message:
The secondary objective was to kill as many other teams as you can and search them for “intelligence”, i.e. if we kill the team leader, we can copy his map and record waypoints that they already visited on our own map; and seize other “possessions” found on their persons, i.e. raffle tickets :0).
There were ample opportunities for a team to divert from the primary objective and get into a firefight. Time and again, I found myself repeating the mantra “Mission First”, and pushed my team to move around potential trouble. This made for some exhausting humping the bushes, reeds, and hill side, while moving from cover to cover. The Recondo concepts employed during this phase of the mission were: moving in formation (360 degree visuals); use terrain cover; over-bound/over-watch, sometimes with covering fire; getting “on-line”; flanking; rolling T; “check” for ammo before proceeding with mission; and retrograde.
Team leaders must keep their teams from breaking. They must think on their feet, act decisively, and with the right amount of daring. Undue bravado will definitely get them and their teams shot!
Non-Redondo club members and guests quickly figured out that it was worth their while to follow orders from the team leaders. This was where the guests and non-Redondo on fire-team 5 really shined. They showed faith and trust, and followed orders without questions.
This was what most would consider phase 2 of the mission.
For most teams, this phase started after the 12 waypoints were acquired. The teams were now free to go on search-and-destroy patrols. Again, team would employ the many Recondo concepts mentioned above, but this time, they were encouraged to spice things up with ambushes. Just like in training, a well-deployed and well-executed ambush will render the “prey” incapacitated within seconds of the first round being fired. We were on the receiving end of one of these L ambushes, and the whole team was wiped out within the space of 30 seconds.
Predictably, during this phase was when we heard lots of Medic calls as well as “dead man rising/walking” calls.
One of the most unforgettable things for me was when I experienced two of my guys flanking one unlucky target. You could see the poor sod frantically switching back and forth between the two guys approaching him from left and right, and trying to decide whom to engage. However, his efforts were to no avail, and in short order, he was neutralized by the flankers. I almost felt sorry for him :0)
As with any mission, Medics are invaluable and deserve special mentioning! The Medics definitely add a different dimension to the game. Both sides are always on the look out for them!!! Undeniably, the Medics of team 5 (Nick and Kevin) deserved special commendation for the heroics performed under withering fire.
Rambo’s Revenge was a success!
Team leaders were sure to mull over the good and bad decisions they have made. Non-Recondos and guests witnessed Recondo concepts in action, which would give them good reasons to consider taking the course.
Personally, I enjoyed the experience immensely and I am looking forward to Rambo’s Revenge II.
RECONDO! Mission First! We are the Hunters, they are the prey!
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