- Operation: Ring Of Fire II - Sunday January 13th 2008 -
We had a pretty good event on Sunday the 13th, We had 84 players in attendance and I believe we had 10 new players. Please send you pictures in small groupls to me when you get a chance 640x480 PPI each (no larger) Please submit your AAR when you have time. I wil get the pictures I took up this evening, so please email your to add to the collection!
M Smith
Mike 3
Mike Force One
Wait a minute, is it the 6th or the 13th????
January 13th. The recondo training was going to be held on the 6th
This OP was one of the better ones i have played at mike force. Great field and game setup. I just became a member and Mike Force Airsoft is great.
great game. LOTS of shooting...the most i've ever seen at a mike force game. watch out...we might be turning into roundhouse..heh heh.
on another note: interesting thing about a lot of guns going haywire. i saw a lot of guys having to leave the game and go back and get secondaries or borrow from people just to carry on.
nice to see guys helping each other out in times of need, though.
looking forward to the next one.
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