Sunday May 27th 5:00pm Sharp OPERATION: NIGHT FLYER
At 1830 hrs Mike Force Recondo Det (which included 3 Recondo candidates) parachuted into the west end of the Moss Land Swamp. The Det commander radioed the White Force leader for an exchange of information and met without incident. The area was controlled by Red Rebels and The White Force which are mortal enemies. Unfortunately a Red Star assassination team was in the area. Next the Recondo Det linked up with the Red Rebels and exchanged valuable information. As the Recondo Det was leaving the Red Rebel area they ran into Red Star. Red Star fired first causing the Recondo Pointman to be shot out. The Special Forces advisor call for a right flank taking out one of the Red Star's after a heavy exchange of fire. The team medic was able to revive the pointman as the White Force came to assist from Red Star's rear. The point guard and medic eliminated the remaining Red Star operator. As darkness set in the Red Rebels ambushed the White Force and continued to battle back and forth for the rest of the night. The Recondo Det was able to exfiltrate via fast boat at 2200 hrs.
Mission successful
3 Recondo's graduated
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