The US forces destroyed the last scrambler which located the rocket fuel and that also was destroyed soon after as the 3 POW'S were rescued. The surrounded Fire Team fought their way through enemy lines to link up with the Mike Force. Recondo team 812 captured the rocket and within a short time then the Red's took it back to the South Mountian after they slaughtered the Recondo team. After a prolonged and heavy fight for the rocket a small Mike Force Fire Team recaptured the rocket. At the writting of this report the rocket is still on the South Mountian with the Fire Team surrounded. The Mike Force is below the mountian fighting their way up to re-enforce the Fire Team. Send Re-enforcements! - This fight has become a living hell!
We were missing about 12 regular players due to vactions and emergencies, however we still had a great turn out! 57 players were attending the OP. We should be able to get more raffle items if the attendance keeps improving so do your best to get to next months event. OPERATION: Valhalla September 9th.
Complaints: We had a few complaints that are being addressed. 2 players not calling hits. Please call your hits and make sure your AEGs are under the 400 fps with .25 BB. we had a complaint that will be verified or dismissed in September. If you are violating this and your gun is chronoed in September it will be confiscated for the day or you can choose to leave the field. Mouth Guards and full seal goggles will be required. We will have the staff to enforce this on the field in september so do not forget!
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
My son and I found a low or mid cap mag/clip on the main paved street as we exited the Trail Drive dirt road. We will bring it to the September game so the owner can reclaim the clip/mag.
P.S. We had a blast as usual.
Regards Jim Prinzivalli
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