Sunday September 2nd 5:00pm Sharp OPERATION: "Downed Pilot"
The Night game got a late start due to some accidents on the highways leading to the event. The OP finally got started at 6:50 pm with the American team with 15 players and the RED Star Team with 18 players. The first mission objectives were to capture the injured pilots and rescue/capture the Green Beret members who survived the UH-60 crash. RED STAR team was given a 3 minute advantage due to a short safety delay in the game more on this at the end of this post.
Red Star AAR: The two squad detachment of the glorious Red Star army deployed to the Moss Land fields after reports that two American choppers had been shot down by our superior marksmanship. Suspecting American dogs in the area, the forces of our illustrious leader, Super Nova, moved cautiously through the dense vegetation towards the crash site. Our soldiers reached the crash site within the hour only to find it stripped of bodies, documents, or useful munitions.
A four man sweeper team was sent out in an attempt to locate the Americans. This proved unsuccessful, as the team was unable to locate the enemy or any sign of their whereabouts. With night fast approaching, our soldiers moved quickly back towards the insertion point. Along the way, while moving through the forest, three men deserted our great cause! The loyal Red Star soldiers were unaware that the three had deserted until after the foul animals attacked our men! In the darkness, cohesion was lost, and a firefight between the elements of our forces ensued. It is estimated that perhaps 10 of our brave men were killed by the treachery of the rogues.
In the last 1/2 hour before the Americans ran away with their tails between their legs, our forces managed to pull together, despite the actions of the traitors, and make a push towards the American position. Our forces inflicted massive casualties upon the enemy, and the only reason we were unable to stop the enemies' retreat was the actions of the traitors. Unfortunately, the traitors were all killed in their attack, but their bullet ridden corpses were buried in a unmarked mass grave. This will serve as a lesson for those who would defy the word of our great leaders. The American pigs may have won the battle, but for the glory of the Motherland, Red Star, and Super Nova, we will win the war!
Mike Force / American team AAR: The three squad element of the American team consisting of 2 Recondo Detachments and the MF1 Team swept across the Moss Land field to the strawberry field through the snake trail and headed south in search of the pilots. no contact with the enemy at this point. The mike Force element pushed south along with the the 907 Recondo class. the Recondo Detachment stumbled upon the Green Beret members and then found the injured or dead pilots. The recondo's put the injured on the stretchers and decided to exifil the same route in order to complete their mission in hopes of minimal enemy contact since 4 team members were stretcher bearers and could not fight.
MF1 pushed west and headed back to the LZ without contact from the Red Star team. This was a surprise as they had to be in the area. Possible ambush or other trap was probably in the works. MF1 pushed back to the LZ and Set security for the Recondo detachment with the injured Pilots.
The Redstar elements started to push our direction after a 1 hour lull and them unexpectedly started fighting each other. Mass casualties on both RS fire teams seemed to keep the fight going for at least 1.5 hours. We Americans can only assume their were some rogue elements that had agendas different then the red star leadership. Once the Red Star teams re-organized they started to push towards the American LZ. We took some casualties and fortunately the Helos came to extract the Fire teams from the Moss Land Area.
Missions Accomplished.
I'd like to be able to come.
Any idea what time it will be over?
Will anyone be driving back towards Scotts Valley who would be willing to give one person a ride? I'd be willing to chip in a few bucks for gas
If so you can contact me at
Thanks, hope I'll see you there
~H Evans
The Game got started an hour late due to some traffic incidents that backed many players up. Unfortunately some had to turn back.
After the Night Game started it was a bit slow for an hour or two before the fighting picked up. It was great seeing the tracer rounds going back and forth.
Thanks everyone for sticking out the slow start and finishing the evening with some really good fights.
Dimitri Laam killed 2 members of the MF1 team, myself included. All I saw was his orange rounds bounce off my head. Righteous kill brother!
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