American AAR:The American Special Op Team initially gained control of the missile and tried to exifil to the LZ however they were out numbered 5-1 and were eliminated within a matter of 10 minutes. The bravery they have shown will be remembered. All were awarded the bronze star with "V" for Valor. This is little consolation for their families. The Red Star faction gained control of the Missile for a short time, when American forces pushed through the defenses and regained control of "Thor's Hammer" This missile has classified information so secret only the President and other key "policy makers" know of its contents. The American strike force pushed north through the marsh lands and into the snake trail then rallied with the MF1 detachment that was waiting for them at the "Horseshoe". Thor's Hammer was then taken to the American LZ to await the extraction by Helo.
Red star seemed to be concentrating on an unknown force that seemed to be surrounded near the south mountain location, it wasn't until 12:00 hours that the RS faction started a light assault on the american LZ in hoped of regaining control of the missile. The MF1 team, Marines, and Recondo detachments set up a skirmish line to hold off the pending assault. It was not long before the full force of Red Star pushed on the LZ. We took massive casualties and only the support of low flying "little Birds" were we able to defend the missile. Most of the Americans were down to their side arms and knifes by the time our Chinooks made their way to the extraction point. RIP to the fallen, we lost a great deal of men...I hope this classified information was worth its price in blood.
Mike 3
Red Star AAR: awaiting dispatch...
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