Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Official Orders: Lets have Fun!

Every month I look forward to getting away from all of the stress and politics of my career and life issues. I am always looking forward to seeing my friends and colleagues at the Mike Force OPs every month. For some unknown reason it seems the tone of the club has gotten too serious for its own good, and we all need to take a deep breath and remember...we all just want to have a relaxing day out shooting our friends with plastic BBs! Many of us take our sport VERY seriously, and even though we are having fun, we need to remember its just a game and in the end we all have good days and bad days on the field.

Lets laugh a little more and really "Ham up" our hollywood deaths the 10 step death with your hands clenching the area hit, screams of agony and twitches when you are laying on the ground...the weakening call for a medic when wounded...Ahhh it makes me smile just thinking about "dying" the next time out. There is no shame is dying, or losing a game if you can smile and laugh. If you feel like swearing, try changing your words to "Flanders" style for example: "Darn-diddily-darnit!" or "Sun-diddily-gun" thank you Ned Flanders...

So in summation, it doesn't matter who is on what team, who didn't choose you for a teammate, and who smells worse than the other guy. Deep down inside we are all action junkies who feel glory and humiliation and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and laugh at your painted face you are truly making the day better for everyone around you!


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