The OPFOR STARS are in control of the Zenon Wilderness, and plan to launch attacks from that area. The Zenon Wilderness is located in the small country of Zekistan. The country is surrounded by Tajikstan to the north, Afghanistan to the south, China to the east, and Pakistan to the west. The Zeki dictator established the Zenon Defense Force in an attempt to rid and silence the OPFOR STARS in that area. The Zeki dictator and surrounding countries have sponsored terrorism against the United States for several years. It's possible that the United States may send their elite Mike Force unit to eradicate the OPFOR STARS and the ZDF all at once.
To be announced later
LOCATION: Sunday, April 15th in Arroyo Grande. The plan is to meet at 444 Alder Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420 at 0900 hours and convoy to the game site at 1000 hours. I would expect the game to last until 1700 hours, but it could finish sooner if need be. I dont want to stop for lunch if possible. I would like the players to carry a lunch or establish a drop location on the playing field
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