On 8 April insert into the mountains in the Peoples Republic of Santa Cruz by Black Hawk. Move above the suspected Red Star training camp ambush the camp and move east to the Mystic Temple to find the American Traitor Bill Johnson. Eliminate any and all opposition along the way. Good luck this is deep in Red Star territory. Let's bring this traitor to justice before he can develop for them more advanced weapons technology.
Red Star operational report 8 April 2007
As ordered by Red Star Command, Wolf Pack 4 provided a blocking force for the American Bill Johnston. We ambushed the Americans on the flat above the Brownie camp slowing them down and taking heavy causalities. As they pushed us down the hill toward the training camp they maneuvered to the west flanking our positions on the slop. We kept them at bay for 2 hours in the camp before being pushed out of the camp. We then moved toward the Mystic Temple and set and ambush at 2 positions half way to the temple. The Americans sent a patrol up the road right into the ambush kill zone but the ambush failed in getting the results and a major fire fight ensued. Meanwhile the Yankee dogs moved a unit up the creek into another one of our ambushes. We stopped them there and the Americans moved back to the training camp. As we rallied and re-attacked the Americans caused us many deaths of our brave comrades as we gained a foothold. As night fell the shooting stopped and I ordered all to hold their position until morning. The Americans have night vision so we held our positions with sound cans at 20 meters. In the morning we found the camp empty for the American Yankee Dogs slipped away in the night. We do not know how many Americans we killed but our body count was 10 Red Star Recon Spetnaz and 51 Reds dead. We will miss our friends.
Ivan Nickelov
Commander Wolf Pack 4
Remember to thank our sponsor Airsoft Extreme!

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