Sunday March 11th 9:00am Sharp OPERATION: VULCANS ROD
Situation: Bill Johnston a defense industry science weapons developer, who developed the new ground and air shoulder launch system known as "The Sword" which is capable of taking out air and ground vehicles was seen with agents of Red Star in the capitol of Los Lomas.
G3 intel: There will be a sample of this weapons system given to Red Star agents for a down payment of cash and bear bonds. This meeting and exchange will be at the dormant volcano in Los Lomas known as "The Punch Bowl" on March 11th.
Operational Orders: SFOD D831
1. Parachute and secure LZ Russ for Black Hawk insertion of the Mike Force
2. Assault "The Punch Bowl" and secure:
a. Bill Johnston
b. "The Sword" weapons system
c. The money brief case
3. Hold "The Punch Bowl" until G3 contacts you with the extraction location.
4. Exfiltrate
Mike Force One Delta = ACU
Mike Force Recondo Det. 831 A, B and 805 = Multicam or Woodland
Mike Force Fire Team (club members) = Woodland (bring both MF and Red Star patches)
Guests = Woodland preferred or come as you like $15 1st game $10 thereafter