SFOD A831, 805, and MF Fire-Team AAR
Mike Force One and Recondo Element pushed into "LZ Russ" fairly quickly only encountering slight resistance. No casualties were taken. SFOD 805 was contacted as soon as MF1 set a parameter around "LZ Russ". SF805's three Blackhawk formation took sporadic fire on their way into LZ Russ so a small fire team was sent to scour the flight path and eliminate any resistance. A BLUE on BLUE situation resulted due to the unexpected landing of one Blackhawk however no casualties were taken. This was an ominous sign of things to come. After the Blackhawks' landed at "LZ RUSS" MF1 805 and Recondo elements pushed towards the crater location to secure the SWORD system and Bill Johnson. HEAVY resistance was encountered. RED STAR was well prepared and sent flanking elements that fractured the assault team and as a result massive casualties were taken. Ultimately Bill Johnson was never secured and is missing. Eventually we cornered the RED STAR forces at the crater and flanked both sides. I found myself with one medic holding the west trail alone, nearly out of ammunition we eventually eliminated upwards to 14 enemy with close quarters fighting armed with only a shotgun and a pistol. Our medic was awarded a Silver Star with VALOR at debrief later that evening due to his extraordinary heroism. Reinforcement arrived 30 minutes later and we eventually captured the crater and secured the SWORD. Mike Force One and MF Fire-team members peeled back to "LZ Russ" for extraction and were barely able to fend off the RED STAR. Our casualties were unacceptable, our estimates determine 44 members of Red Star were confirmed KIA, and countless wounded. In hindsight we were not prepared for the massive resistance we encountered. SFODA 831 is planning a "Black OP" soon to exact revenge and weaken RED STAR. Bill Johnson will be found when he pops up on the Intel reports again...
Red Star AAR
Mr Johnson kept up with his end of the Sword deal. The Americans found out about the meeting and for 2 1/2 hours we held them off. the fight was hard and we estamate that we took down 70 of them. Unfortunitualy we lost 44 good men and the Red commander before they overwhelmed us and took back the Sword. a few survived to continue our service to you Super Nova and the Order of the Red Star.

"Following the days perspectives from combined rumors of RED STAR soldiers"
The day was warm, our lips were dry and our throats were parched. Waiting for the scientist we couldn’t help thinking how much time we had left to live. With the time on our hands we built fortifications to help benefit us in the most expected assault by the Americans. The scientist soon arrived with a small group of soldiers, his name was Bill Johnston, him and his men were escorting the SWORDS weapon system as intended along with a briefcase of money. Soon after Bill’s arrival were hear Black Hawks in the far distance, along with a Delta recon team going to secure a "LZ" according to a captured map. As time passed we awaited the attack of the American scum, as Black Hawk after Black Hawk passed us in the distance we started moving up the "North Trail" towards their landing zone. The Americans pushed their way up through the gorge on the west side of the crater. We pushed them back to their LZ just to be swept back to the crater. A few men went around them to where they were attacking us on the North trail, they did their job, but it wasn’t enough to stop them from getting the weapons system. With only ten minutes to grab the SWORDS system from their grasp before they were picked up via Black Hawk, it just wasn’t enough time for us.
End report:
Various RED STAR Soldiers

please send your AAR to me as soon as possible with pictures so I can get the gallery up and running.
This was my first time here and I had a great time today. Every one I saw today was playing honorably. Its got hella-hot at the end tho and everyone got tired, that is when the game got slow. but every thing else was great. the "Punch Bowl" field was brutal and not my cup of tea with dust and stuff but I have heard great things about your other fields and I will come back again! Thank you Dr King and his staff today was a good one.
I had a really good time too! It did get really hot though and I ran out of water late in the game. I want to go to the next one and bring more water.
POST BATTLE REPORT/ Team Suicidal : This battle was a great insight to the operations and tactics of not only Mikeforce one's elite team, but their Recondo & Red Star teams as well. Learning under fire is the hard way to go, but suicide is our name and it's how we play the game !
Treated as hired MERC's by the Red Star team we where assigned the grueling task of seek and destroy while Red Star forces held the prisoner at the volcano. The heat of the day turned out to be too much for our whole team. We all suffered heat stroke at different levels with mine ( C.O.-Team Suicidal: Ernie Carrero. ) being at game stopping levels. Thanks to Dr. King and his knowledge of my condition and severe situation. He performed a chiropractic procedure that almost like a miracle saved not only me but the game as well ! I want to thank Dr. King for his outstanding care of me.
First half of the battle went lighting fast. MF-1 came on us from behind by surprise.
Due to the in-briefing misdirection made by our prisoner Phil Johnson ( a.k.a. Dr. King ) whom said they would be coming from the west. LOL These guys moved quick and decisive shooting me twice within 5 minutes. Then Tommy went down as well, followed by the rest of the team. But Honza some how managed to find himself behind enemy lines and quickly disguised himself as a MF team member which allowed him to get back to the volcano in one piece!
Although Red Star forces lost the battle in the second half, This is unmistakably and undeniably due to Team Suicidal's inability to operate at 100% because of the physical and emotional condition of the team after the lunch break. Mark and myself did not return to the second half with Jeff falling out soon after.
All in all it is a step in the rite direction of achieving our primary goal to become the biggest adversarial enemy that the Mike Force teams have ever dealt with! BEWARE MF-1 we will be back bigger and badder
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