Dr. Kings
These rules are given to help you have a very enjoyable playing experience. Each player has promised to play with HONOR, HONESTY, INTEGERTY and RESPECT. Play as if you are an actor in a movie. When shot “OUT” play it up! Have fun, die with drama!
To eliminate lengthy Safety and Airsoft Rules briefings, guests will be required to take a multiple choice test of 10 safety questions before being allowed to play. So please read these rules carefully!
Fire Team Members will be spot checked occasionally as well.
Each player will need the following 3 items for play:
1. Red Death Bandana
2. Watch with a second hand
3. A positive fun attitude
The main object in Airsoft is to shoot “OUT” the opposing player. This is done by shooting one or more bbs into “THE BODY KILL ZONE.”
THE BODY KILL ZONE: The Body Kill Zone as illustrated below consists of the head, neck and trunk of the body forward, back and sides. To the distal end of the clavicle laterally meeting the deltoid muscle and to the line even with the finger tips as they are extended past the bottom of the groin straight across front, back and sides.
THE OUT RULE: When a player is shot within THE BODY KILL ZONE with one or more bbs the player is then shot “OUT” of play. The player immediately shouts “OUT” (and may use other Hollywood style death screams with the shout of OUT!) and fakes his death as realistically (like Hollywood) and safe as possible, dropping to the ground playing dead. The player then pulls out the Red Death Bandana
and then lays still in the condition of death for 3 MINUTES. Should there be bbs still being shot in the players’ direction, the player waves the Red Death Bandana calling “OUT” until it is safe to lay still. The “OUT” player then places the Red Death Bandana over the head and face.
During the time that the player is down he is not allowed to communicate in any form to any player, “OUT” or in play, with the exception of the GAME MASTER or one of his appointed SAFETY OFFICER(S). Players not acting dead, talking or sitting may receive a PENALTY. Only move your arm for use of the Red Death Bandana and viewing your watch!
When in doubt, call “OUT!”
If you feel that a player has been shot and has not called “OUT,” keep shooting that player with the assumption that the player has not felt the bb(s) and is playing honorably. Players that are caught being dishonorable by not calling “OUT” will be subject to penalty. Only the GAME MASTER and the SAFETY OFFICER are allowed to enforce the rules and issue penalties.
Do not yell and tell the player he is “OUT” for this distracts from the realism of the combat simulation. If you see a player on your team that has been hit by a non-felt bb(s) tell him, so he can call,”OUT.”
BBs flying through (not trickling down) brush counts. A bb that bounces off (ricochets) another player or hard object such as rocks, trees and buildings does not count as a hit.
And friendly fire is not friendly! You are “OUT!”
THE BANG RULE: Is for your safety should you approach a player within 4 adult paces you must shoot him by saying BANG, BANG, BANG! The Bang Kill must be muzzle line of site with no obstructions. Your Airsoft gun must be able to shoot should the person become outside the 4 pace rule. No blind fire is allowed under the Bang Rule 4 pace limit. When in doubt do not do it! Should two opposing players find themselves face to face within the 4 pace limit, the first player who says BANG! Wins! But the winning player must say all 3 BANGS! If you have a suppressed gun you may use THE BANG RULE by saying quietly: “Bang! Bang! Bang!
Gun hits do not count. Any equipment being hit on the body in THE BODY KILL ZONE counts as a hit and the player must call “OUT.”
Players that are “OUT” of play may not be used as a barrier moving or stationary.
THE WOUND RULE: Should a player be shot with one or more bbs from the bend of the deltoid muscle to the fingertips front, back and sides and/or from the upper thigh below THE BODY KILL ZONE to the toes front, back and sides; that player must call out loud for all to hear “WOUND!” The player immediately drops to the ground and pulls out the Red Death Bandana and then the player, a fellow team member or team medic ties the Red Death Bandana around the wounded area.
The player has up to 1 minute to complete the self first aid or dies of shock and is “OUT” of play! Or should the player be shot anywhere on the body after yelling “WOUND!” That player is dead and “OUT!” of play. The player may not return to action or return fire until the first aid is completed. Should the team medic untie the Red Death Bandana after it is on the player and folds and gives the Red Death Bandana back to the player, the player then will be back to full play status!
Should a player be shot “OUT!” of play he may be recovered by any player by taking the players Red Death Bandana out of the players pouch or pocket and tying it to the area hit. The player then may resume play as a wounded player but, should that wounded player be shot again anywhere on the body while in wound status that player is “OUT” of play and must follow the “OUT!” rule.
THE TEAM MEDIC RULE: Each team may have no more then one team medic per 4 players. Only club members may be Fire Team Medics. Medics are designated by medic armbands or tape with a red cross on it. A medic may provide advanced first aid on walking wounded by taking off the Red Death Bandana and giving it back to the player. The wounded player is now considered full restored to health and play status. If a team's medic is the first one to reach a downed player, the player may be fully restored ONLY if the medic takes out the player's Red Death Bandana, ties the Red Death Bandana on the wounded extremity then unties it then gives it back to the player. If a medic is killed, another player may not pick up the medic armband and "become" the team medic. The team is out of luck until the medic re-enters game play from the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE.
RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE is a no shoot safe zone where a player may be restored back into the game. It is dishonorable to snipe, ambush or attack any player entering or leaving a RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE.
After the non-revived “OUT” player has been down for 3 minutes he calls out loud for all to hear “Dead Man Raising,” then the player is to wave their Red Death Bandana all the way to the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE. Should there be a fire fight in the area the “OUT” player is traveling through, the “OUT!” player waves his Red Death Bandana and calls as he walks calling out for all to hear “Dead Man Walking, “Dead Man Walking!”
When the “OUT” player arrives at the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE he is to:
1. Record his “OUT!” should there be a “Death Record.”
2. The Red Death Bandana is then placed back in his pouch or pocket
3. Immediately return to the game
The only players allowed to stay at the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE are those repairing their equipment or recovering because of a health concern. All other players not returning to the game could receive PENALITY
(Dead Men Tell No Tales!!!!!!)
PRISONERS OF WAR (Optional rule when indicated by the game master): Taking Prisoners of War is possible during the game if an enemy player applies first-aid to a wounded opponent and then takes him prisoner.
A captured POW may communicate, yell for help, tease at his captors, etc. He does risk being “Bang killed” in doing so, but a captor may say "You are Gagged!" and the POW must then shut-up.
A captured POW must comply and may be herded along at gun-point, place their hands behind their heads when traveling and/or been instructed by their captors to do so.
In addition to "gagging" a POW, a captor may "search" a POW. He says "Search" to the prisoner and the prisoner is required to turn over any game documents, Airsoft guns or special props to the captor. Weapons that are surrendered to the captors, when arriving at the holding point are placed in a visible safe distance away from the POW.
The POW may be rescued by friendly forces. If a friendly player reaches and touches a POW, the POW may re-enter the game, retrieve and use his weapons. Otherwise the POW must remain where he is taken, although a guard is expected to watch over them.
If left unguarded; only if the guard is physically out of line of sight, the guard leaves the area or is shot “OUT” of play then and only then POW may try to escape.
POWs must be sent back to the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE after 15 minutes of captivity, waving their Red Death Bandana with their captured guns calling “DEAD MAN WALKING!” Then the player may re-enter the game.
Play it up like you are in a movie!
CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE RULE: When entering a structure or rooms under 5 adult paces by 5 adult paces, the player may not used any airsoft gun shooting over 300 fps with .25 bbs and must be careful to use the Bang rule properly when indicated. Remember no blind fire is allowed! Automatic fire is allowed with sub 300fps guns; but please for safety be careful of proper distancing. Guns shooting over 300fps may be used in larger areas such as larger rooms and hall ways.
In order to control the quality of the game these penalties will be awarded for the following infractions:
1. Removing goggles during game play. (They may be removed at the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE)
2. Foul language (verbal abuse increases anger and can lead to physical assault)
3. Cheating by not calling “OUT” when legitimately been shot “OUT”
4. Not playing dead by moving about or talking – other then for safety reasons
5. Shooting players that are “OUT,” or a player returning to the game from the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE
6. Not following the “MEDIC” rule properly
7. Any rule infraction deemed by the GAME MASTER or the SAFETY OFFICER.
1st offense 15 minutes at the RE-INFORCEMENT ZONE
2nd offense Sit out the rest of the game period
3rd offense Suspended from the next scheduled game
We will ban individuals for continual disturbance in or out of our games. We also reserve the right to prohibit individuals from games.
The maximum Airsoft bb speed and weight is 400fps with .25 bbs. Exceptions can be made by prior request for larger bbs and sniper guns. Guns failing the chronograph will not be allowed in the game.
All players are to test fire only in pre-designated areas
Eyes and mouth protection: Goggles are to be worn at all times during the play period. All players under 18 years of age will have football/boxer style mouth piece.
Health and fitness: All players assume their own responsibility for their health and fitness; when in doubt check with your health care provider.
The following recommendations are made to improve the realism in the game.
1. Load your magazines with a realistic load, i.e. M16 30 bbs
2. Shoot Squad type machine guns in short bursts to conserve ammo as if you had a real load and so you do not dishonorably double shoot those calling “OUT!” It is important that you can hear them calling “OUT!”
Any booby traps or special devises for the game must be approved by the Game Master and introduced to the players prior to the game period in which it is intended to be used.
Prohibited items:
1. Real firearms or non-airsoft bb guns
2. Non prescription drugs of any kind
3. Alcohol
4. Tobacco products
5. Knives (pocket type knifes and tools are ok!)
6. Unapproved pyrotechnics, smoke, flares, flash bangs etc.
Transportation of Airsoft guns: to and from the game site is the player’s responsibility. It is recommended that the player store the Airsoft gun:
1. On safe
2. Battery detached
3. Magazine detached
4. Stored away from the reach of passengers, i.e. the trunk of the car
5. In a gun case
We recommend that the player place a tag on the container with the following words: SPORT AIRSOFT GUN
Non-players in the field: Non-players in the game field are allowed only with the Game Masters permission. All approved non-players must wear bright colors and protective eye wear. These guests may not assist players in any form!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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