After Action Report: At 1100 hrs SFOD D831 (a.k.a. Mike Force One) Halo jumped from 12,500 feet on to LZ Russ to the west of the dormant volcano known as “The Punch Bowl.” The Mike Force arrived at 1030 hours at LZ Ellingworth and quietly moved to the junction of South trail and the Punch Bowl trail and waited for Mike Force One’s area recon. Mike Force One moved east on the North trail until eyes were on the package; at that time the waiting Mike Force was given the orders to attack the Red Star unit in possession of the package that was located at the Eagles nest. The Mike Force commander placed his platoon into an aggressive on line attack from their position towards the Eagles nest and Mike Force Recondo Detachment 831 and 805 went up the Eagles Nest trail trapping Red Star at the Eagles Nest. The fight with Red Star was heavy and hot; both side suffered heavy casualties. Then Red Star made a breakout to the North across a large field toward the Punch Bowl. Mike Force One quickly eliminated the Red Star troops making the break as the Mike Force platoon set security. Mike Force One now had possession of the package and traveled over Russ Mountain to LZ Brian. Mike Force One and the two Recondo detachments sent out sweeper teams to keep the Red Star reinforcements from the LZ. At 1515hrs all US forces were extracted from LZ Brian. Mission was a success.
Leaked video of Operation: Football
Mike Force One Delta detachment has gained control of the missing satellite part and is flanking behind enemy positions to "Brian's Pass" LZ for further instructions
Very Brief Fire fight at LZ "Brains Pass" from "Bronco's" vantage point
1 comment:
Taken from a file that was scrounged up out of a burning building
Feb-12-07-01200H "Super Nova"
The actions taken at OP. Football were most unacceptable, the communication equipment was lost our forces severely diminished, our land ransacked and our info breached, we now have every damn political bastard up our ass about that message saved on that piece of equipment! You and your unit are being reassigned. If you cant even handle a couple of yanks you can't seriously think you can take on your next mission. Just make sure not to screw up this bad next time!
(On a insubordinate note) We were severely out matched in skilled members we did what we could. We put up a fight and took back some of our territory. On behalf of our lead officer of RED STAR we didn't stand a chance from the beginning, but we did try our best.
"The actions that transpired that day from the perspective of a RED STAR soldier"
Just after the alert of Americans in the area we struggled to gain control of everyone, our "fearless leader" separated us into two main groups with a basic command structure, we got off to a slow start we had to move our communication equipment to our LZ for extraction with the box in hand. Seeing a large group of Americans moving up the straight narrow path was enough to send a chill down our backs. I quickly perched a seat on top of a hill hopefully getting a few shots off with my sniper rifle. The Americans attacked from two separate angles, up the middle, and to our left on Bryan's Pass. The Americans made a valiant push towards us but we had a few minutes to entrench our selves. Reenforcement soon arrived and made better progress then the others. The Delta's were moving down on us from the large crater at the corner of the area. Most of the day was fought over the small tree covered ridge in the middle of the AO. We soon got Reenforcement from the top of the crater via helo. Our man carrying the communication equipment was shot down and the Delta's swooped it up and disappeared into the trees, luckily some of our unit spotted them running down the north side of the tree line. We decided to cut them off by attacking our insertion point again where there LZ obviously was. They put every man they had on the trail leading to th eagles nest, all attempts failed. We managed to capture back half of our land before the Americans extracted out of the area. They made it safely away with the communication equipment. The day was getting old and the men were tired. We carried off our dead and accepted the loss. The only thing left to figure out was who was going to tell Super Nova......
End Report.....
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