Situation: We have just successfully extracted the wounded from LZ Whiskey and have dropped in a re-enforced platoon of Moss Land Nationals and the Rapid Reaction Force known as Mike Force.
1. Capture the Red Star officer in charge
2. Search and destroy all Rebel and Red Star opposition.
Club information: We were scheduled to be at our new Los Gatos field for this month’s game but we had to push it back to April 4th. Stay tuned to our web site for up to date information on that game.
This month’s game on March 7th will be a heavy combat type mission! Bring out everything you need to sustain heavy combat for 4 hours. We will have a 30 minute in field in place lunch break after the first 2 hours of play. Come prepared!
Members: Have pride! Come in the proper uniform with name tags and patches. Look Sharp!!!!!!
time 0900 sharp!
504 Trail Drive
Moss Landing, Ca 95039
Guests: Read and understand the rules! You will be tested!
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