DOCUMENT DATE – 10/12/08 (1315hrs)
LOCATION – LAOS RIVER BASIN (36°47'33.04”N - 121°44'15.25”W)
1. At approximately 1315hrs, SUPER NOVA COMMAND made the decision to have RED STAR's QRF support group rendezvous with remaining RED STAR forces at a river basin in Laos.
1.The initial RED STAR security detail had taken severe casualties at this point in the mission. A reported group of five RED STAR elements from the security detail had in their possession an important package. It was the primary objective of the RED STAR forces to safely transport this package to an extraction site just to their east of the river basin.
2. Despite RED STAR's loyalty to SUPER NOVA, it should be noted that communication reports of a strange looking and violently behaving OpFor did give the support team second thoughts about the mission.
2. At roughly 1330hrs, RED STAR's QRF inserted to the north of a tree line bordering the river basin. No resistance was taken.
1. A quick SITREP gave the support group an understanding of the mission circumstances: large numbers of reanimated, aggressive, and extremely dangerous hostiles designated as “Zombies” would require a hasty alliance between U.S. and REDSTAR forces. Five to ten minutes prior to extraction and mission completion, the Command “EXECUTE” would be given to terminate any American allies.
2. Immediately after insertion, The RED STAR support group infiltrated the “Snake Trail” tree line and proceeded through it to the east, to a point roughly 177 meters from the insertion point. The location was a tight funnel between two tree-lines; it allowed for good visibility but was also a very open and vulnerable position to defend. At this location, a small four-man detachment separated from the main group and proceeded to flank around the south-eastern borders of the mission area. The main group encountered heavy “Zombie” resistance during this time, however it held its ground. The four-man detachment silently maneuvered over the “South Mountain” hill without contact. Less than a half hour later, the four-man detachment encountered the five remaining survivors of the security detail and the nine man force moved to the base of the “South Mountain” hill with the “package”.
3.Around 1400hrs, American forces were encountered, and a mutual accord to fight against the “Zombie” threat was struck between the American and RED STAR forces. The nine-man detachment cautiously snaked from the from the base of “South Mountain” hill to a grove of trees just a few meters south of the position held by RED STAR's main force. Several elements from the RED STAR and American force joined the detachment. The detachment eventually split into two distinguishable forces that worked together closely.
Most “Zombies” were avoided by remaining silent and concealed; any “Zombies” that posed an immediate threat were dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
The combined assault force moved quickly and mostly undetected through several patches of Laos' trees and vegetation for around a half hour.
Roughly ten minutes before the designated extraction time, the command “Execute” was given. Several Americans in the detachment force's immediate vicinity were killed. Unfortunately, the first group of RED STAR forces, operating just ahead of the second group, had lost possession of the “package” in the American force's own betrayal of RED STAR. The four-man detachment that had spearheaded the rendezvous with the RED STAR survivors once again separated from the main fighting force.
The combatants that the “Zombies” had not claimed became engulfed with distrust and confusion.
A desperate last attempt to retrieve the “package” failed. RED STAR's four-man detachment secured the extraction site, but had no package to extract. The Americans had in their possession the “package”, but suppression from RED STAR and “Zombies” prevented the Americans from extracting the package as well.
Heavy casualties were inflicted upon the RED STAR QRF and additional RED STAR survivors. It is also reported that several American casualties were inflicted at the conclusion of “RED DEATH.” Though RED STAR forces fought hard to complete the objectives determined by SUPER NOVA, the entirety of the RED STAR force failed its mission.
At the conclusion of the “RED DEATH” mission, RED STAR is determined not to fail again. There is no Success like Failure, and Failure is No Success at All! We will NOT fail SUPER NOVA!
1 comment:
i was one of the four man squad that stopped the Americans from taking the package to their LZ.
I survived both games, almost being "eaten" a couple of times. Killed thousands of rushing undead while running for my life.
Private Jeffrey Robert Tuttle
Red Star Medic
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