June 8th will be Operation Veterans Run D+17hours AAR
Veteran’s Run D+17 hours - Red Star Team 1 – AAR
French Congo – Red Star Southern Hemisphere Strategic Jungle Base - Africa
June 11, 2008
20:00 Zulu
Veteran’s Run D+36 hours
6 women and 13 children, ages ranging from 5 – 15, are tied to trees in the rain forest outside the walls of the base compound. They have been out there for 1 day and 1 night now. Their battered bodies slump against the ropes tying them to the tree trunks. They are too dehydrated and too exhausted to beg us to end their misery with a bullet to the back of the head. They are the unlucky family members of the Red Start commando commissioned and non-commissioned officers who failed to accomplish the missions. Super Nova was true to his word: if the commandos succeed in carrying out their mission, the rewards will be beyond their wildest dreams; but if they fail, not only will the team leaders and overall mission commander be executed, but their family will share the same fate. Looking at the women and children, it seems that their men got the better deal by decapitation… Soon enough though, the women and children will be joining their men in the hereafter, the hyenas will make sure of that…
Initially, I question the reason why Super Nova would waste time with this display. Super Nova could have sold off the women and children to make up for the loss suffered when our “precious cargo” of cocaine, cash, food supplies, fission material for the dirty bomb, and worst of all, the Lost Eye of Kali fell into American hands.
But our illustrious leader always has reasons for doing the things he does. Besides making clear that failure is NOT an option, I think this was Super Nova’s way of warning the arrogant Red Star commando cadre that they are NOT above the law; Super Nova’s law and absolute dominance of Red Star.
Neo-VietMinh guerilla base camp – map grid C5 - South Mountain.
June 08, 2008
18:00 Zulu
Veteran’s Run D+17
Something is wrong! The Neo-VietMinh guerilla commander never got what was promised him when Super Nova agreed to sponsor their effort to overturn the current Vietnamese “Communist” government. The promised re-enforcement of fresh guerilla trainees shipped in from the US; the cocaine, food, cash, supplies, and the fission material for the dirty bomb, and its arming code have been overdue for 17 hours.
On top of that, the guerilla commander had another major problem on his hands: his guerilla training camp on the South Mountain is in danger of being discovered by the American scum and their Communist Vietnamese bottom feeders.
Patrols were sent out to the surrounding areas, and a few survivors from the overdue first wave of re-reinforcement were recovered and brought back to the South Mountain base camp. Among these survivors was a grizzled Red Star Spetsnaz sergeant. He suffered multiple through-and-through shot wounds across the chest, but miraculously survived. We found him unconscious from blood loss in the undergrowth, barely breathing. He was one tough old bastard; he just refused to die.
When he came to, he gave us his account of the American ambushes, and the fate of the fresh guerilla trainees and their “cargo”. Only one “package” and one team of guerilla trainees and their Red Star chaperones made it to the base camp; 17 hours behind schedule. But that was hardly enough to organize the defense of the base camp.
If the Neo-VietMinh commander was to have any hope of getting his guerilla effort off the ground, he had better do something, and do it fast. He risked being discovered and contacted Super Nova for urgent assistance via Satcom. In a 10 second burst, the commander sent an encrypted message to one of the 6 Red Star satellites in geo-synch orbit overhead.
Super Nova responded that another wave of Red Star commandos and guerilla trainees with more “precious cargo” were en-route to the base camp. The commander was to sit tight and secure the South Mountain base camp at all costs.
The grizzled Red Star sergeant was indeed tough. Despite his hideous wounds, he was up on his feet and coordinated the defense of the South Mountain base camp. As we were sitting tight waiting for re-enforcements, the sergeant figured that a good defense is to be on the offensive. He sent out 3 man team patrols around the perimeter of the base camp. These patrols will act as early warning on enemy approaches.
Sure enough, one of the patrols spotted one of the American teams on approach to the base camp from the east, and reported back. The sergeant redeployed his limited resources to concentrate firepower on the enemy threat axis to the east of the compound. The Americans used the dense vegetation to mask their advance, but the Red Star recruits and the guerilla trainees were waiting in ambush and decimated the enemy. The sergeant seemed to be everywhere at once, and coordinated flanking moves to hit the American dogs from all sides, forcing them to either retreat or die.
During the fight, another Red Star hunter team, led by Spetsnaz staff sergeant Stryker, also made contact with the enemy. They fought and retrograded to the base camp and boosted the defense with 8 more guns. We held off the Americans and their Communist Vietnamese allies for a good 2 hours… But they never let up on the pressure.
More good news for the defenders came when another Red Star team, commanded by Spetsnaz Captain Seth Prosterman, got to the base camp with the Lost Eye of Kali. The wide-eyed Neo-VietMinh guerilla trainees were scared, but did not have much time to give into their terror. They were quickly deployed in the various ambushes and concerted assaults on the Americans on the east side of the base camp.
Just when it looked like the Americans had lost the taste for battle; a team of highly trained American commandos (rumored to be Mike Force 1) flanked the compound to the west.
Captain Prosterman gave the code word “broken arrow” to get all Red Star forces to retreat into the base camp to fight off MF1. At this time, the American on the east side of the compound got the pressure taken off them; they reorganized themselves, coordinated with MF1, and closed in on the base camp.
The Red Star soldiers and the Neo-VietMinh guerilla trainees fought for their lives, but the American assault was simply too overwhelming. Eventually, the base camp was overrun and again, the precious cargo fell into the hands of the American bandits. The Americans quickly but thoroughly checked the compound for intelligence, set demolition charges to destroy the compound, and then retrograded to their exfiltration point.
Other Red Star teams from the 2nd re-enforcement and re-supply effort got to the base camp too late to make a difference. Seeing the destruction of the base camp, the Red Star commanders knew that they had better catch the Americans, or they and their family will be facing Super Nova’s wrath. They quickly got the teams organized and chased after the fleeing Americans in hot pursuit.
It appeared that the American’s exfil point was at map grid A1. The Americans were in the tree line defensive perimeter waiting for their transport choppers. They unleashed an incredible amount of fire down range at the on-coming Red Star, scoring lucky hits here and there. The Neo-VietMinh, many of whom never before fired a gun, were scared stiff and hunkered down. They simply did not understand that the only way to overpower the Americans is to lay massive amounts of fire on them while aggressively closing in on their position. Again, the grizzled sergeant was there, and bleeding from his chest wounds, he desperately screamed at the Neo-VietMinh. He did everything he could, short of shooting them, to get them out of their holes and spur them on. Sadly, the sergeant’s efforts were in vain. The Neo-VietMinh had lost the will to fight.
The thunderous sounds of the UH-60 Black Hawk heralded the American’s anxiously awaited salvation. 8 Black Hawks escorted by 4 AH-1Z Super Cobra attack helicopters, moved in and sanitized the area to the south of the American LZ with withering 20 mm chain gun fire and 5-inch Zuni air launched rockets. Satisfied that the Red Star forces had been decimated, the Black Hawks touched down and the Americans piled into it cargo holds. The American contingent left the South mountain territory with immunity.
Failure is never an option when you are in the service of Super Nova. But it looked like we failed terribly in this campaign. There will be hell to pay for those in command.
>>> Long Live Super Nova, and glory to the order of the Red Star <<<
Red Star AAR -
Endless Army
1000 hours (10am) My Squad, after given orders from SuperNova to carry the Lost Eye of Kali to way point 6, arrived at way point one. I led my squad deep into the field trying to avoid the Americans. After two harsh hours of fighting with Americans, we decided to take a short rest in hole in the forest. Little did we know that the Americans were within spitting distance from our current position. We held our ground and my comrades began talking wounds. I tried my best to save them all while still fighting back the American advance. When all seemed lost for us, squad five and four came around the corner just in time to push back the Americans. However when they followed them several Mike Force Ones were laying in wait. Only my squad and I survived. We than got separated from our squad leader so I took command for the time being. I led my group out of the forest were we met back up with our Squad leaders. Slowly we moved on toward the southern mountain. Bullets whizzed by nearly hitting my men in the head, but we didn’t stop. We kept pushing until we reached way point 6.
We stashed our item in a near by bush hoping that the American scum wouldn’t find it. We held our own for several hours, but the Americans were like cockroaches. Once you killed one another would take its place! We kept fighting till we ran out of bullets. I barely escaped with my life. We failed our mission. Our heads would roll.
-Private Jeff Tuttle, Red Star 3 Point man
Very nice AAR for redstar. That was probably the best game I have ever been to. The Americans were very together and did a commendable job of keeping redstar at bay.
Good game redstars had fun with all you. I gave my ak to a redstar friend to cover me and i jumped to medic duty before the game ended, you can see the redstar 15 seconds into the video covering me... good job anonymous friend
i might try to do more of those combat videos, its very fun for me to just sit back sometimes and watch the fight and record it for us to watch. only bad thing is that its only 20 secs but its better than nothing right?
HELLS YEAH! I thought the videos @ Brownie Camp were killer too.(too bad they got taken down)...Pictures are cool, but NOTHING beats live action!!
B. Davidson
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