Intel:SENTCOM priority HIGH
November 1st 2009 9:00am sharp
504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing CA. 95039
Latest Intel Reports: This will be the start of the new Mike Force Airsoft Club’s new schedule. All games will now be on the first Sunday of the month.
Situation: This is a Special Forces Association Ch XIV sponsoered competition and event! Make sure you bring a pistol for part of the target and field event. Dress as you like but bring a lunch for eating in the field. This will prove to be a very challenging event!
Mission: Take on the challenges put before you and rise to the occasion! Survive the waves of enemies as you try and be the last man standing during the "Rambo" event..
Location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing CA. 95039Bring enough ammo, extra battery, food, water, and friends for 5 hour game with a 30 minute in field break. Expect heavy fighting!
Uniformity: (Download Club Uniform Requirements with pictures)
Guests = Dress as you like do not wear ACU or Multicam Woodland reccomended
American Forces = ACU with required patches
RED STAR = Jungle Tiger Stripes, Russian Tigers Stripe, Multicam BDUs only
Please read and UNDERSTAND the rules before game day. You will be tested before you enter the field. Please bring your signed waiver forms if you are a guest.
$20 first time guests and $10 dollars for consecutive returning guests. Red Star members must be in uniform and with all name tags and patches or be fined $10 out of uniform fee. Mike Force Members must be in uniform and with all name tags and patches or be fined $10 out of uniform fee.