Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Operation: - Blood Rain Night - May 24th 2009 5:30pm
Situation: Red Star forces were unable to launch the rocket and they are cornered on the South Mountain.
Mission update: Capture the missile and take it to the alternate LZ
This is our first night game of the year. Sign in time is 6 pm. We will use the Red Death Bandana until dark then we will shift to our white beam flash lights should we be shot “OUT” of play. The game will go until 10 pm
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Operation: - Distant Thor - Gallery
Official News! Please read
Thing are finally winding down for me and I will have a chance this evening to post as many of the galleries from our last three events. look for everyhting to be caught up for our next event today or tomorrow as well.
Unfortunately the photographer whom was at the game in April never emailed me the pictures form that event, so I will get the pictures I took up now. i have been waiting for them to arrive but they never did.
Sunday the 24th we are having a night game at the Mossland field. There will be 3 hours of daylight fighting and about 1.5 hours of night OPs so get your tracer units charged and your NVGs ready to go!
thanks and look for the image galleries tonight and tomorrow.
Mike 3
Mike Force One
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
OPERATION: - Blood Rain - May 17th 2009
17 May 2009 (third Sunday of the Month) sign in time 0930 (9:30am) at 504 Trail Dr Moss Landing, Ca 95039
Situation: A few of the Predators and some discontent Red Star mercenaries being tired of General Katanga’s antics stole Katanga’s conflict diamonds and bought a type M missile. The type M missile has a small nuclear warhead and can cause 10% of what the A bomb did during WW2. Intel has informed us that the missiles intended target is the naval base located at Moss Land. The computer for launch and the keys (2) are on the way to the location on a stealth helicopter. We have in place aircraft and Recondo teams on all suspected flight paths to shot down this aircraft.
Mission: Locate and destroy the type M missile after removing the warhead! Extract with the warhead!
This will be a two 2 hour game with a 30 minute in field lunch break. Bring everything on you that you will need to battle for the 4 hours. Our last game was on an abnormally hot day; bring water, bb’s, extra battery, lunch and friend’s to this dynamic 4 hour battle.
Members are reminded that they are to be in proper uniform.
This month’s operation is designed by Robert, Santa and Chuck of the Predators.