Intel:SENTCOM priority HIGH
March 8th 2008 9:30am sharp
504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing CA. 95039
Latest Intel Reports:
Situation :Intel has revealed that there has been a major split in the RedStar leadership. Based on greed, the African General Katanga has offered conflict diamonds to a breakaway element in Red Star known as The Predators.The Predator's have set a detachment of Recon Spit Naz to guard Katanga.Since Katanga sponsored the split in Red Star, Katanga in now on Super Nova's hit list. Please note that since the rescue of the 120 foreign nationals last month, Katanga has raided more villages to increase his underage army.
Red Star will no doubt send a hit team to assassinate Katanga; so look out for them! As you know we have a uneasy truce with them but if they fire on you may fire back!
Operation: - Black Diamond -
Mission: Capture Katanga! We will bring him to justice for hisgenocide of the Kaling tribes. Topple his government and re-establish democracy in his country.
Good Luck!
Location: 504 Trail Drive, Moss Landing CA. 95039
Bring enough ammo, extra battery, food, water, and friends for two - 2 hour games with a 30 minute in field lunch. Expect heavy fighting!
Uniformity: (Download Club Uniform Requirements with pictures)
Guests = Dress as you like do not wear ACU or Multicam Woodland reccomended
American Forces = ACU with required patches
RED STAR = Jungle Tiger Stripes, Russian Tigers Stripe, Multicam BDUs only
Please read and UNDERSTAND the rules before game day. You will be tested before you enter the field. Please bring your signed waiver forms if you are a guest.
$20 first time guests and $10 dollars for consecutive returning guests. Red Star members must be in uniform and with all name tags and patches or be fined $10 out of uniform fee. Mike Force Members must be in uniform and with all name tags and patches or be fined $10 out of uniform fee.