All phases of Recondo Training Held on the 1st Sunday of every month @ 7:00am sharp! Each phase 1-4 is $20. Please email kingsensei@aol.com to submit your name to attend. 1st half of the training is KARATE instructed by Dr. King, Daniel King and guest professionals.
RECONDO Derived from three words:Reconnaissance, Commando and Doughboy. Based on the actual Special Forces Recondo School from Vietnam, this training school teaches you how to maximize your potential, increase your skills and efficiency, while decreasing your “Down-time.” Instruction is provided by previous Airsoft Recondo graduates, the MIKE Force 1 team and by Dr. King, a former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret.
Upon graduation, you will receive a certificate signed by your instructor(s) and Dr. King, honoring your achievement, an Airsoft Recondo patch to be sewn on the right/front pocket of your BDUs to show this achievement at every game thereafter.
ACU uniforms are required and are acceptable for the KARATE training. Do not miss this great opportunity to train you mind, body and field skills to thier highest potential
Download the equipment list PDF below the photographs for equipment requirements. all Student need to wear army ACU uniforms only. You do not need all the equipment to attend, however you will need all equipment to graduate.